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[deleted] t1_isyo7gf wrote



Verklemptomaniac t1_isyyi0l wrote

I think it's less that he's being blamed for the fire than the fact that one fire at one data center took down what's essentially a critical piece of South Korea's modern telecom infranstructure for over a day.

Clearly, there was a lack of redundancy and risk management/mitigation, if their service was wholly dependent on that one data center.


RoadsideCookie t1_iszsm0r wrote

Also, wouldn't that be a CTO's responsibility?

Or did he resign because as a CEO, he failed to hire a CTO? loll


Necrontyr525 t1_it2an16 wrote

or they did have a CTO, but this guy was responsible for signing the "this is too expensive, so we won't do it." memo. And then the fire happened, the blame game goes off, and CTO has his ass covered by said memo.

Source: standard IT CYA policy.