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Awkward-Fudge t1_iu1oglk wrote

Those parents have a ton of restraint.


KJBenson t1_iu3m0oo wrote

Let’s see about that restraint after nothing changes.

I give them a year or two before someone takes more immediate action if nothing changes.


Awkward-Fudge t1_iu3tyz8 wrote

I give it 6 months. I can not imagine the magnitude of grief they are pushing through each day.


Uncle_Jiggles t1_iu4iavl wrote

It hasn't even been six months yet since that horrible cluster fuck of a day?


iDuddits_ t1_iu56h0g wrote

Thinking of my kid, the police station would be rubble by now if this was my town. Good luck to them and probs for keeping it more composed than I would