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BansheeGator2 t1_itn4yve wrote

The fact that Chauvin was their superior at any point in their careers creates a precedent that he would be their acting superior during this incident, especially when they are still pretty new with the dept.

If they truly did follow the chain of command on this, I wouldn't be surprised if their actual supervising officer would have responded by having them follow Chauvins orders since he was the only superior officer on site.


[deleted] t1_itogwyy wrote



BansheeGator2 t1_itoiay2 wrote

Yeah. They are just trying to have their cake and eat it too. Play military on the streets, but without any of the accountability that the military has. No requirements on rules of engagement. A simple "feared for my life" clears any cop of wrong doing, and the good ole boys network to cover shit up.

Luckily cities and states have begun implementing new laws for cops that require them to act against illegal orders. At least it's something in the right direction.


dodechadecha t1_itn8tgs wrote

I mean, yeah, its a difficult situation to be in but they didn't follow the "chain of command". Per MPD training and policy, the first car on scene (Lane and Kueng) are in charge of it until a superior officer, like a sergeant arrives and all assisting cars defer to the first car. Now in real life, yeah that's maybe easier said than done but they should have known they were in charge of the scene.