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WalkingTalker OP t1_itwsxxx wrote

"The new footage, shot by Channel News Asia but only released two days after the incident, captures about a minute of discreet, high-level manoeuvring before an official arrives to escort Hu away. Hu, who is 79, stepped down as head of the party 10 years ago.

The official Xinhua news agency reported that Hu’s unexpected exit was due to ill health, but gave no further details.

That semi-official line did little to quell speculation that what looked like a forced removal – Hu seemed confused and unwilling to leave his seat – was some kind of political power play by his successor Xi Jinping.

The incident was not broadcast in China, and Hu’s name was effectively scrubbed from the internal internet, inside the country’s great firewall."


Sivick314 t1_itx3udn wrote

They will never find his body


thevoidhearsyou t1_ity0y8t wrote

More likely due to his age and reputation they'll move him into an asylum for mental health reasons, but in reality they'll keep him alive in a back room somewhere and viewable to the public from time to time to ensure that any one loyal to Hu doesn't try to use him as a martyr to remove poobear.


erickadue32 t1_iu5daco wrote

Isnt this the bad guy from rush hour? What is he doing out?


[deleted] t1_iu05dp5 wrote



uis999 t1_iu68ed0 wrote

Good call, comrade! He certainly doesn't look like a man that is baffled, realizing what little disagreement/questioning it takes to be removed from the chamber. He just is being escorted to a more comfortable chair in a cozy reeducation retirement center befitting the dignity of his station. The guardian is trying to make the all the inhabitance of the hundred Acre Wood have hurt fee fees and it's unacceptable!