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Educational-Glass-63 t1_isxubiq wrote

Screw him...traitor that is what he is and anyone who backs the jerks who took a part in Jan 6. From Trump on down. They are ALL traitors to the United States of America and should be treated as such. Scum.


[deleted] t1_isy0gr8 wrote



7thAndGreenhill t1_isy13hc wrote

So far the never-ending series of guilty pleas and convictions of insurrectionists seems to support the fact that the people who entered the capital building on January 6, 2021 were guilty of attempting to subvert the results of a lawful election.


JoshuaACNewman t1_isy486r wrote

One day, you will claim that things were different back then, but you’ll be wrong.

And you’ll say that you didn’t believe the things that you believed.

And that you didn’t support Fascism and an overthrow of a legitimate election but you did.

And you will try to explain it to you children and grandchildren, and you won’t know why they have stopped coming to visit you.


SWTBFH t1_isy6l3n wrote

911, I would like to report a fucking murder.


RN4Veterans t1_iszoddn wrote

We are on the same page. I was at the Capital when they "claim" there was a "riot". Hogwash. A sea of peaceful people Strolling down the street , very few trash cans, yet there was no trash in the street. What trash that was attempted to be thrown out was neatly stacked next to the overflowing trash can. We are law abiding citizens. Amazingly, there are videos showing the Capotial Police opening the doors and waving people in. Waving the people up the steps and towards Pelosi's desk /computer. Staged, illegal all the way threw, but not by people there standing up legally, peacefully. For our stolen vote.


17times2 t1_it0giu4 wrote

Meanwhile, video feed from the people who attended the insurrection actively shoot down everything you've said.

> Amazingly, there are videos showing the Capotial Police opening the doors and waving people in.

Yes, they had plenty of video of pulling at cop's weapons, attacking them with a pole and fire extinguisher, and screaming that the Capitol police were traitors to the country.



RN4Veterans t1_it418i9 wrote

Yes, and a Capital Police officer shooting an unarmed woman. Guess you didn't see the hearings where the FBI was forced to admit the ones yelling and pushing the Capital Police were FBI agents...yawn... But no, you want to stay WOKE and not really examine the videos of those there.


JoshuaACNewman t1_it47j2u wrote

Link to a video with that hearing please.


JoshuaACNewman t1_it4xu7d wrote

> if anything, the records appear to show that the informant’s F.B.I. handler was slow to grasp the gravity of what was happening that day. And the records show that the informant traveled to Washington at his own volition, not at the request of the F.B.I.


> The dark mood started three weeks after the riot when it suddenly emerged that Enrique Tarrio, the group’s leader, had himself worked as an F.B.I. informant well before he joined the Proud Boys.

> Mr. Tarrio was not at the Capitol on Jan. 6, having been ordered by a local judge to stay away from Washington after his arrest days earlier on charges of illegally possessing ammunition magazines and burning a Black Lives Matter banner after a pro-Trump rally in December. He is currently serving a five-month sentence on the charges.

So. Is your argument that:

  1. The Proud Boys were not involved
  2. The Proud Boys are actually part of the FBI
  3. The FBI was actually behind the riot

Sound right?

Or is it a simpler explanation that the FBI was slow to react because of its general doofiness?


JoshuaACNewman t1_it47vlj wrote

Just saying things is not evidence. Links to all the things you’re saying — that are all public record — please.


AnalogDigit2 t1_isy12ag wrote

Who's been jailed without a trial? What more truth do you think there is to uncover?

EDIT: Well that house of cards came tumbling down


n-some t1_isz4c3q wrote

I'm pretty sure it's possible to be jailed awaiting trial, but it's a completely legitimate part of law enforcement. It's normally done to flight risks or people who are considered threats if they're let out. Those two things definitely apply to a lot of the more intense Jan 6ers.


mooby117 t1_isy1ydh wrote

>those people who've been jailed without a trial

You mean people who were charged and can't make bail?


Scrubbing_Bubbles_ t1_isy1nw7 wrote

If only a certain leader of a political party had actually wanted to get to the truth about that day. We could have had a bipartisan commission, based on the 9/11 commission, but Trump rejected this, even after it was negotiated by both parties. So....I guess here we are.