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RobinM20 t1_ira1i05 wrote

Really don’t think staying calm and shooting a non-lethal area should be that difficult for 3 cops in front of a guy with a knife but I guess if they aren’t that good how about a taser


SadSlip8122 t1_ira3ai3 wrote

“A nonlethal area” you know, like the femoral artery.

This shit is only ever said by people who have zero experience handling firearms. When you fire a gun, be prepared to destroy whatever is in its path. There is no such thing as a warning shot or a disabling shot. The only acceptable way to aim is for center mass as it provides the most stopping power and prevents ricochets and injuries to bystanders.


DogePerformance t1_ira1u6h wrote

Trying to shoot at limbs is precisely how you get strays going into neighboring houses, vehicles, buildings etc. You shoot at the most likely point to hit, which is center mass. I don't think you have a solid grasp of adrenaline and effects on physiology and motor functions.


RobinM20 t1_ira2ltx wrote

If three of them can’t stop one man without killing him it just sounds like they aren’t correctly equipped/trained to me 🤷‍♂️


DogePerformance t1_ira57b9 wrote

21 feet used to be the rule, as far as I know it's been moved to 25 feet. That's the lethal force rule for an armed individual with a knife. If they're within that footage, you're in immediate mortal danger per the law. A knife isn't something to fuck with, and it's on the armed suspect on how it goes. Especially someone with a violent recent history with use of a knife.

I'm not sure what people expect to happen, the cops shouldn't be getting taking to a trauma hospital because someone is having a mental health crisis, there needs to be another agency involved to ensure everyone's safety. We haven't gotten to that point yet unfortunately. And even then, whatever mental health professional shows up may not be enough and it still just goes this direction. Not all people can be talked to and reasoned with. It's on the person who has the cops called on them to not be in that situation. He escaped once, stabbed people, and then had another mental health crisis. I'm not sure what you think the proper route is to go at that point.


whiteout86 t1_ira2nmk wrote

A taser isn’t meant to be used against someone running at you with a knife. It’s not even close to being an effective tool in that case. The darts can miss, get caught up in clothes, have poor engagement or the person can keep coming even after a hit