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[deleted] t1_ira3510 wrote


SynkkaMetsa t1_ira3wj5 wrote

someone doesn't know how deadly knives are....


dprophet32 t1_ira4tbb wrote

Much of the rest of the world's police seem to manage it okay. There is a time to use a gun without doubt but it shouldn't always be the first resort.


SabeDerg t1_ira4xy1 wrote

Disarming people with knives is done all the time with proper training and police officers that aren't A) cowards and/or B) get hard at the thought of killing someone


mutantfrog25 t1_ira63f3 wrote

You have no idea what you’re talking about, nor how any of this shit works.


Glendel66 t1_ira4icp wrote

metal sticks that fucking hurt that are wayyyyyyy longer than that pocket knife the dude was wielding

8" is normally considered to be above average size.


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ira60x9 wrote

in the photo showing the knife, that measurement is including the handle, which is longer than the blade (it’s a foldable pocket knife). a 3”-4” blade is definitely average


graveybrains t1_ira6ax5 wrote

We also normally refer to knives by blade length. In this case they put a picture of it in the article, it was a four inch folding pocket knife


[deleted] t1_ira4r6j wrote



thefoodiedentist t1_ira55ke wrote

I think they just reacted and shot til he dropped. They prolly missed a lot.


SabeDerg t1_ira5o4y wrote

>I think they just reacted and shot til he dropped

This doesn't make unloading into a guy having a mental crisis ok.

>They prolly missed a lot.

This makes things worse. Just like we've seen before with cops not handling their weapons properly this puts bystanders in danger. You'd really rather kill at least one person risk killing multiple people safely inside their homes to prevent an officer or two getting some stitches? Sorry, they signed up for the jobs, so they should fucking do it properly. If they're too scared to do it properly they don't need to be a cop. Fuck these cowards.


Minx-Boo t1_ira4l28 wrote

Oh I know. Could have shot him in the leg and taken him down. But at least he wasn’t gunned down sleeping or unarmed like most incidents involving black people.


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ira3yy8 wrote

no man, you don’t get it. If the options are either a cop might get slashed and require 5 stitches, or empty a clip into a person in the midst of a mental health crisis, it’s totally acceptable to kill that person



thefoodiedentist t1_ira4oci wrote

Knives are more designed for stabby stabby than slashy slashy.


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ira5srg wrote

judging my the photos, that 8” knife measurement included the handle. the blade itself looks around 3”. Stabbing a police officer wearing body armor who (according to police) was out of range for their tasers with a 3” blade is gonna be pretty difficult to do


flat6NA t1_ira5n8z wrote

Yeah they just should have shot it out of his hand /s


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ira6fc3 wrote

if the guy was out of range of their tasers (as the police claim), how are they in range of his knife? There are knife attacks all over the world, yet somehow police in other developed countries can disarm the perpetrator without shooting them.
