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NinjaLanternShark t1_iug5n02 wrote

Branson's not "talking smack" he's advocating for the abolishment of the death penalty. He's a celebrity raising awareness of an issue he cares about.


Sweatsock_Pimp t1_iug9kzs wrote

Oh. He’s against the death penalty? I just assumed he’d be in favor of it.

Kind of refreshing.


chronoistriggered OP t1_iug6oqf wrote

lol if his genuine intention is to raise awareness as u claim, then wouldn't it be a great opportunity to debate on live TV.

His audience will be Singaporean that gets to vote and directly lobby their MPs.


It's obvious that RB doesn't believe he can convince anyone that really matters


Grogosh t1_iug7xon wrote

What is there to convince? Either you know killing is wrong or you are some kind of immature edge lord who revels in death.


EmbarrassedHelp t1_iug7vj4 wrote

Singapore is a civilian dictatorship though, so its not like the citizens have a chance at influencing the leadership's opinion on the death penalty.


chronoistriggered OP t1_iug8bfc wrote

total BS from typical ignorant redditor who thinks they know everything about every place on earth. Singapore just repealed buttsex law because of increased pressure from citizens.

Even in a dictatorship/monarchy, citizens can change things if they are really motivated. Ever heard of the French Revolution.


EmbarrassedHelp t1_iug9c11 wrote

> Singapore just repealed buttsex law because of increased pressure from citizens.

Well we should consider welcoming them to the 21st century then for doing the bare minimum at a snail's pace.

> Even in a dictatorship/monarchy, citizens can change things if they are really motivated. Ever heard of the French Revolution.

The French Revolution involved purging society of royalty and those supporting it. Singapore isn't going to do that anytime soon.


chronoistriggered OP t1_iug9me1 wrote

lol just how many different ways do u need to change the yardsticks.

this is the absurd quality of reddit discussions


EmbarrassedHelp t1_iugamas wrote

> lol just how many different ways do u need to change the yardsticks.

> this is the absurd quality of reddit discussions

Absurdity? You literally implied that Singapore should just brutally slaughter everyone in government.

I said that Singapore was behind a good portion of the world on the issue of making same-sex sexual activity legal, after you tried to use it as example of Singapore's system working effectively.


chronoistriggered OP t1_iugb8b5 wrote

i literally imply nothing of that sort.


If u can read and comprehend at elementary level, i'm ridiculing RB for not having the balls to debate in a topic he apparently strongly believes in.


But as usual, redditors read and imagine whatever the heck they want.


Malibu8888 t1_iuggdgb wrote

Shanmugam is an arrogant ignorant outdated politician with an unquenchable thirst for state sanctioned murder. He loves it!

Why should anyone, with global brand recognition, debate this prick, who is unknown worldwide? By doing so, Branson would have given this psycho maniac a global platform to spew his garbage.

Good move, Branson! Ego check for Shan!


Darkmortal10 t1_iug9e80 wrote

List 3 times you've changed your opinion on something your strongly believe in while watching a debate