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cremaster_shake t1_itdu2t7 wrote

I'd sue them until local taxes tripled to cover it. Then see if the public has an effective interest in regulating the police.


uzlonewolf t1_itgxyey wrote

The issue is the moment you try to hold them accountable, they go on an unofficial strike and stop doing their jobs. They then spin it as "see how bad crime is under your current elected officials? Think about that the next time you vote!"


russmbiz t1_ith1gee wrote

Cops going on strike sounds like a win win. Fuck em.


Silverseren t1_ithggne wrote

> They then spin it as "see how bad crime is under your current elected officials?

The funny thing is that, whenever they do this, nothing happens. In fact, in some instances that were studied, crime reduced when the cops were on strike.

One of the hypothesized reasons is that communities worked together to deal with crime since police weren't around. And regular people are far better at dealing with and solving crimes than the police ever were.


ttaptt t1_itk6s18 wrote

Boo fucking Hoo. (not you, them) They don't do anything for the common problems, anyway. We need homicide detectives, yes. But for SO many other problems, we do just need Social Workers 2.0.

My brother, (who is doing so much better, now) had a mental health incident that we really could have used some help for. But the cops in that city had just blasted a 13 year old autistic kid in the back for running away, as a kid in crisis will do, like "NO! Don't touch me!". They shot him at least a dozen times. In the back. He lived, but...

ANYway, we could have used a hand, but no fucking way we were calling the cops.

"Ohh, next time call a crackhead, then.." Know what? A crackhead might (or might not, but same same) understand when someone is having a mental crisis. Fuck, I'm ranting. I'm just pissed. Sorry.