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Aloha_Snackbar357 t1_itfyb8w wrote

I would lose my license, be personally sued into oblivion, and never allowed to practice medicine again if I did even half of what these officers did. I understand a Hospital is a different environment with different focuses, but the complete lack of even cursory examination of the patient is appalling. Given how often police officers are present at or are apart of medical emergencies, they clearly need enhanced training in basic medical assessment.

I’ve worked with a treated dozens of prisoners in my career, and I have definitely seen faked injuries or conditions for secondary gain, so I can understand skepticism, but a full cervical spinal fracture with impact on the spinal cord leading to paralysis is dramatic and should be damn near impossible to miss.


silasoulman t1_ith35la wrote

You’re mistake here is in assuming that even if they had the knowledge of a spinal neurosurgeon they would’ve have done the right thing. These cops are sociopaths and are almost never punished, such power without consequences has led them to be literal monsters preying on the American people they’re supposed to be protecting.


3V1LB4RD t1_ithpv8d wrote

I seriously don’t get it. Cops must be required to go through first aid and CPR training and certification AT LEAST right??

That is enough for any civilian to slow down and take stock of the situation and take steps necessary to help keep people safe and assist in rescuing those that aren’t.

Even with the horrible and minimal police training we do have, they should AT LEAST all be first aid certified right??