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Mostest_Importantest t1_itx1v4g wrote

Hilarious that Biden and his Dems managed to put the strike on pause until after elections. Also hilarious that this strike is brewing (about to break out fully) over poor management decisions on how the workers get sick leave and pay increases.

I say hilarious because if magically the Dems win their election, and magically the RR workers win on all the issues needed, then all that's happened is...the current batch of workers will work just a little bit longer before everything stops anyway.

This is due to the fact that no new hires are coming onto the railroads. With the setup as is, my understanding is that many workers are hoping for a back-paid, retroactively-applied raise to cover cost of living increases from the past 5 years or so...and then they'll quit.

Already one of the more grueling blue collar jobs out there. Already doesn't pay enough to live above poverty. Already told by management that workers efforts don't contribute to actual company earnings.

Time for America's labor force, the true heart and soul of the country, to tell every fucking rich person that it's hard work that makes this country great, not grifting, politicking, managing, entrepreneuring, investing, banking, etc.


And every worker should have a home to live in, and enough pay to take care of his needs, along with a little bit of pocket money. And sick leave and vacations around 6 weeks per year.


[deleted] t1_itx3mnu wrote

You must not be aware that the conservative Supreme Court is about to completely gut unions' ability to strike.


GlassWasteland t1_itxlxv3 wrote

Well then it will be time to resurrect my grandfather's method of unionizing. He was a labor organizer for coal mines and wasn't above beating people to death or blowing shit up.

Yes he did time for those activities, but was taken care of by the union.


Nikxed t1_itxss4q wrote

Oh yeah that's how you get people to join or support your cause. Terrorism and murder.


[deleted] t1_iu5x1xe wrote

It has worked for MAGA. The time for playing softball ended a while ago.