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jimtow28 t1_it3pwr9 wrote

I had not heard about that. That's absolutely wild.

Lawyers have other lawyers represent them in their own cases. That should tell you all you need to know about how wise it is to represent yourself.


MonsieurGideon t1_it3qxcw wrote

Once he realized how badly he was losing he was trying to get pity from the Judge on how overwhelmed he was.

Which she warned him about prevoously, and he yelled about how he wasn't scared and to bring it on.

The DA brought it lol.


zs15 t1_it3us2g wrote

Nah, he came out that way from the start.

His opening argument was some SovCit bullshit and, when that was tossed, his next move was to ask for more time for a real legal defense. The judge ignored that saying he had adequate time, but chose to use it on a bad defense.


Horknut1 t1_it4lk3i wrote

He just gave his opening today. You’re talking about something else.

He cried all the way through his opening, and needed time after it to compose himself. The main thrust of his opening was, why is everyone being so mean to me?


Inquisitor-Eisenhorn t1_it3u4ux wrote

There’s an old adage on this subject: “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.”