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mmlovin t1_it47kk5 wrote

He doesn’t actually believe that sovereign garbage though. That “strategy” didn’t come up until like 1 day into the trial. Before that he had no problem going by his name. Even though in the interrogation tapes he pronounces it “Dah-rell” & now it’s “Der-rell.” Idk why no one has addressed that. & he says “relevancy” & “speculative” & called himself the “alleged defendant.” It’s driving me nuts that no one has pointed any of this out.


prailock t1_it47st0 wrote

I mean, the dude's competency report came back as "not crazy, just a major asshole" so it's not surprising.


mmlovin t1_it48il6 wrote

Ohh ya he is manipulative. It’s so evident after you watch the interrogation tapes. It’s just weird cause he does seem to be bothered by the fact he killed & injured by a bunch of people. There’s been teeny tiny amount of times where you can tell it bothers him a little bit. Then he immediately becomes an even bigger asshole.

This verdict is going to take like, 10 mins.


Horknut1 t1_it4m2m2 wrote

I would really like, after the judge reads the jury’s charging instructions, for the judge to then say the jury is dismissed to deliberate, and the foreman saying “No need, your honor. We’re ready.”


mmlovin t1_it4rkaz wrote

Well I hope they don’t do that cause that would mean they deliberated about it before they were allowed to lol

Them filing into the room & coming back out after like 2 minutes would be great. That’s just enough time to pick a foreman & count votes for guilty lol

It has happened before. I think the shortest I’ve heard is 10 mins or something


Your_acceptable t1_it4xafl wrote

"Would it be fair to say" the man is an idiot?


mmlovin t1_it4y7k0 wrote

Who is the man you are referring to? The alleged defendant? 🙄