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blklab16 t1_isha1bv wrote

I think it’s probably equivalent given the time and resources wasted on never ending appeals and such. It’s not like they march someone with with a death sentence right to the table and give the injection. Death row inmates can spend decades in prison anyway.

Personally I am in favor of the death penalty in this case, and only in cases like this (insert any of the recent mass shootings where the person was apprehended alive) where it is absolutely undeniable that the person on trial committed such heinous crimes. Either way though the drain on taxpayers is probably comparable.


Ailly84 t1_isk9xuc wrote

It actually costs much more to kill someone. And rightfully so. You not only need to be certain of guilt, but that the person received a fair trial.

I’m against the death penalty as it is 100% an emotional response to tragedy. There is no logical argument that supports it. The legal system can’t be working off emotions.


blklab16 t1_iskgndw wrote

I respect your view on the matter. Honestly it’s really easy for me to speak hypothetically but idk if I could sentence anyone to death if I were on a jury. Here’s hoping I’m never in that position!


Ailly84 t1_islnsm4 wrote

Thanks for the polite response there.

I’m definitely in the minority when it comes to compassion for murderers and their families. I can’t remove their humanity regardless of what they did.

Christ, even the Nazis in the bunker up to the end…I can’t help but try putting myself in their shoes. They’re extremely messed up people, but they’re still people.