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XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5bu9n wrote

Good guys with guns tend to stay away from areas with large amounts of bad guys with guns


Draker-X t1_iu5jgpb wrote

So do cops.


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5oaeh wrote

See my other reply. When you vilify cops, yes they 100% will not risk their life for your community.


Indurum t1_iu5s5ua wrote

It is literally their fucking JOB and WE pay them for it.


deletable666 t1_iu9bhac wrote

It actually isn’t their job, and we don’t pay them for that. Their job is to enforce laws and arrest and cite, and money is taken from us to pay them. I didn’t choose to hire the individuals, I don’t get to fire the bad ones, I don’t get to choose what they do.


BigbySamMelody t1_iu60bwm wrote

I hate to break it to you, but the courts have ruled it's not the police's job to protect you. They have zero obligation to, even if they see someone trying to stab you to death


awtcurtis t1_iu69mix wrote

So why should we praise them again? Seems like they are pretty worthless.


RKFTWRN t1_iub8zip wrote

How do you propose they stop something like this. There isn't a cop assigned to follow around every single person 24/7. The cops caught the two guys that did it, seems to be working as intended.

Maybe the motherfuckers shooting each other can stop shooting each other?


awtcurtis t1_iubawzg wrote

Hmmm, maybe we could try any number of solutions that the rest of the civilized world has used to curb gun violence?


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5w0fs wrote

We pay our politicians too but it's kinda expected that they don't really care about us. What's the difference?


Draker-X t1_iu5re12 wrote

Did the villification lead to the "not risking life", or was it the other way around?

When I was growing up in the 80s and 90s I thought cops were heroes, and I would have had no issue approaching one on the street or being cool when they pulled me over for nothing (which I was, three times. No tickets, just "warnings".)

Now that I'm older and I've heard hundreds of news stories about systematic, violent police misbehavior (, see them walking around with rifles on their chests like they're in a war zone and know how they abuse and kill non-white people on the regular for minor issues? I want nothing to do with them.

I actually feel LESS safe when there are police around. I don't think that's the way it's supposed to work.


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5sfl5 wrote

You sir have been effectively brainwashed into hating the only people tasked with protecting you. Congratulations.


Lastguyintheline t1_iu5ugcj wrote

Uvalde would like a word with you.


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5xaq5 wrote

I agree Ulvade was gross. And the only solution is being able to defend yourself. That doesn't change the fact that the police are still the only ones tasked with protecting you. Sure they may fail at that task and it is a shame that they do, but there's no one else out there to save you.


awtcurtis t1_iu6a342 wrote

Or maybe we hold them accountable for their failures and crimes and don't act like they are beyond criticism, since a lack of accountability is EXACTLY what causes bad policing.


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu6gm86 wrote

Hey man, you're telling the wrong guy. I'm not licking anybody's boots. Police should 100% be accountable for their actions. Not just to the public either, but their peers need to speak up too. The biggest issues arise when there's complacency among a whole department. That is the situation that breeds police gangs.

Either way, I just think its a bit pathetic when you let the media convince you that cops are evil racist killers when youve never personally experienced that. You've just let the talking box dictate your own viewpoint which is complete seperate from your experience. It's silly.


awtcurtis t1_iu7mvk9 wrote

When there is extremely well documented, empirical data that shows systemic racism throughout the justice system, from cops to prosecutors, to judges, I don't have to rely on my personal anecdotal experience. The data shows the inherent racism


Fidonkus t1_iu7vn7l wrote

They are tasked with violently enforcing the law. This is not the same as protecting people.


awtcurtis t1_iu69wbv wrote

Ah, nothing like the brainwashed accusing other people of being brainwashed. Communities around the US have decades of data showing systemic police violence against them, but sure, keep parroting right wing talking points.


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu6f986 wrote

Saying "YoUrE ParRoTiNg TaLkInG pOiNTs" doesn't just negate the argument lol. If 99% of people say "you should brush your teeth" you can't just say they're "parroting talking points" lol.

You're delusional.


tehmlem t1_iu5drtk wrote

Well that makes it seem like they're not a very effective solution to bad guys with guns, huh?


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5nbww wrote

See but here's the thing, when you attack and vilify the people you PAY to be the good guys with guns, this sort of thing tends to happen.

An area has high crime. High crime leads to a large police presence. A large police presence in a black neighborhood means racism. Racism means the good guys with guns leave. Good guys with guns don't go anywhere near bad place where they're the only good guy. Boom, high crime area with no good guys who have guns.

Also, kinda stupid to argue good guys with guns don't stop bad guys with guns. What stops bad guys with guns? Gun free zones? Old age? Curious about how you plan on handling a bad guy with a gun.


Lastguyintheline t1_iu5ue91 wrote

Ummm if those people way pay to be good guys acted like good guys more (and self-policed their bad apples), there wouldn’t be so much concern.


Doctrevil t1_iu5wiwr wrote

Excuse me, are you suggesting police be policed? Sir, that is what internal affairs is for! Anyways, it appears you have a complaint about a fellow officer's supposed misconduct, we're going to have to ask you to turn in your badge and gun.


tehmlem t1_iu5qlo6 wrote

What did the cops do here to prevent violence again? What's that? Jack shit?


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5rdim wrote

You didn't answer my question. How do you stop a bad guy with a gun?

Also yes, kinda hard to stop a driveby at a funeral. Not sure you could've done any better.


Draker-X t1_iu5whut wrote

>You didn't answer my question. How do you stop a bad guy with a gun?

Not let them have it in the first place like other countries do.

Don't nations and continents around the world have "bad guys"? Canada? Europe? Russia? Asia? The Middle East? Oceania? Why is there so little gun violence compared to the U.S. (or the rest of the Western Hemisphere- apparently "West is Best" if you want to shoot people)?


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5zo0d wrote

It's not about firearms it's about gang violence. Follow the cookie trail of gangs and you'll find what you need to know.

Has nothing to do with gun laws.


Draker-X t1_iu5vk2a wrote

>An area has high crime. High crime leads to a large police presence. A large police presence in a black neighborhood means racism.

How did you jump from "high crime area" to "black neighborhood"?


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5yqws wrote

People asking to defund the police aren't in gated communities in Maine.

The majority of calls for defunding the police were in minority communities in Baltimore, Chicago, and Minneapolis. Largely over already racial accusations.


SohndesRheins t1_iu7ivbv wrote

Um, statistics? Whether you want to ascribe a racial or socioeconomic reason, predominantly black neighborhoods tend to have higher crime rates and denying that is silly. Not to say that no white areas can be high crime, but when you look at a macro scale that is what you see.