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LordFluffy t1_iu5xrzt wrote

> How about we just focus on the low-hanging fruit and try to lessen the effects?

Going for the "low hanging fruit" got us the Patriot Act and the War on Drugs.

Look up the Virginia Tech shooting.

> Are there numbers on how many of those are semi-auto long guns vs. pistols and shotguns?

Not of which I'm aware, though I imagine that handguns are still number one.

> Good thing I don't want to "disarm" anyone, just outlaw one particular style of weapon and see what happens.

Okay, so how do you intend to do that?

This isn't 1994. The proposed AWB's I've seen are the same "by feature" drivel that was passed then to dubious results. Between the millions in circulation, the advent of 3d printing, and the existence of things like 80% lowers, not to mention the extreme politicization and divide on the issue, I don't think you're going to see many benefits.

And again, even if you do ban scary black rifles (though assault weapons were by the 1994 definition rifles, pistols, and shotguns with certain features) then people simply turn to other firearms or other weapons (remember the earlier statement about handguns?).

Addressing the fewer than 400 homicides by rifle a year seems a terrible way to address the overall problem of violence or even the the problem of mass murder.

EDIT: And such bans would, in fact, disarm more people than you realize if it includes any sort of mandatory buyback/confiscation.