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mces97 t1_isy35xb wrote

Why haven't the Democrats said let's introduce a constitutional amendment outlawing slavery? Conservatives always say the Democrats started the KKK. So call their bluff and have the Democrats amend the 13ths and truly make all forms of slavery illegal.


rymep t1_isz7x1r wrote

Because then they'll get shit on for being "soft on crime."


mces97 t1_isznorw wrote

Then you hit them back with Republicans support releasing more dangerous criminals back into the community by breaking them instead of rehabilitating them. All Lives Matter. Throw it in their face.


branitone t1_it1smns wrote

I had no idea the word “slavery” was just chilling in the constitution until last year when my political science friend was talking about the prison system. Blew my mind. I knew we called it “legal slavery” but I always thought that was an accurate phrase, not straight up what it is.