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bizzum t1_iuk5r5o wrote

Neat, where's the Democratic party tacitly supporting that kind of thing, poking fun at it, or turning the other cheek on shit as egregious as January 6th?


[deleted] t1_iuk69m5 wrote



QuestionableNotion t1_iuk9d15 wrote

Given the lies I've heard the right wing tell over the years you'll forgive me for automatically assuming that you're full of stuffing.

>You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.

Precisely where, in that statement, was Schumer encouraging violence? Was your hand firmly pressed to your forehead when you posted that?

You really missed your opportunity with your "both party" nonsense. Remember the guy who shot up the Congressional baseball teams a few years back? Steve Scalise? The guy who shot him was a Bernie supporter. It's pretty black and white if you're trying to disingenuously show that both parties, both supporters of both philosophies, are the same.

Let's look at the history of violence in our political system - 2016 through the present.

Democratic side (? - if that's how one wants to frame it)

  • BLM protests - although one has to admit that the protests seemed to mainly become violent when the police (largely right wing trash) showed up and decided violence was necessary to "restore order".

  • The asshole who shot Stephen Scalise.

  • The asshole who stated he wanted to assassinate Brent Kavanaugh.


GOP's side

  • Unite The Right Rally - the event was rife with violence, culminating in the murder of one and the maiming of many more.

  • Several mass shooters. I'm not going to go looking for links to articles and social media, but face it - most of the people responsible for mass shootings turn out to be avid fans of red caps.

  • The plot to kidnap the sitting (Democratic) governor of the state of Michigan.

  • The coup attempt of Jan 6, 2021.

  • Various mosque burnings.

  • This asshole.

I'm even sure I'm forgetting a few. If you want to go further back than 2016 there was the guy who bombed the Atlanta Olympics, various freaks shooting OB/GYNs in the 1990s, and Timothy McVeigh.

And let's not forget to give a special shoutout to bastards showing up outside polling places with rifles and tactical gear. Fuck them especially.

But, yeah, sure. Schumer said something that makes right wingers wet their pants and wave around handkerchiefs in consternation and dismay. OK.

Edit: Downvotes? Fuck you, Republicans.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States

Assessing the right-wing terror threat in the United States a year after the January 6 insurrection

Sooooo many other examples. You people are terrorists. A quick google search proves that.