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255001434 t1_irrej9a wrote

>So are you proposing we make the sentence for rape a life sentence then?

Did you not read my comment? From the first line:

>he served his time which is why he's getting out and I didn't argue against that

My comments were simply about why this story is worthy of being news. Who are you arguing against?

He admitted to nine rapes, but was only convicted of one of them because of the statute of limitations. There's nothing we can do about that, but I'm not going to pretend this is someone who has paid for his crimes. Those eight other victims would probably have something to say about that.

You seem to think all rapes are equal and of equal threats to society, but this is a man who hunted down multiple victims after seeing them in public, including a 13 year old girl. Anyone he crossed paths with was a potential target. He is the most dangerous type of rapist there is and the type that people in his vicinity would most need to be warned against. As the article says, he isn't required to notify his neighbors, so reporting the story is one way because don't know where he will move to.

Edit: He's 63, which is not young, but he is still capable of harming someone. I would want to know if he lived near the young women in my family. Nice that you don't think it matters, since other men are "technically" rapists too. Some men are much more dangerous than others. You don't seem to get that.