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BaronCapdeville t1_iscaxp4 wrote

Ah. I understood that backwards. I thought you were house hunting and he found an unrepresented property. In that case, it wouldn’t be strange at all.

In this case, he’s already negotiated with the seller (you) for his compensation. He should not be bothering the buyer for anything else.

If he isn’t newish (only a few transaction) or working for a shady broker, this would be unexpected behavior.

It’s worth calling his broker to complain, if he put the deal in jeopardy. If the broker doesn’t make it right, or is dismissive, I would escalate it to the real estate commission.

State real estate commissions don’t fuck around. It is nothing like a police union. One bad apple spoils the bunch, and bad realtors get hit with $10,000 in fines for stuff that’s just standard procedure in other business sectors.

If something was done to hurt your deal, the real estate commission would want to know that. It would also STRONGLY dissuade this realtor from ever fucking with anyone else again. Second offense is usually a lifetime ban, or some huge fine.

Coming from someone with a brokers license: fuck this dude.