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safely_beyond_redemp t1_istlvuf wrote

Should call it vSports for virtual sports, as in not a sport at all. I'm not saying it isn't a good extracurricular but sitting down holding a controller as a sport? Sure if the Chess club is a sport.


GossipOutsider t1_isv5icq wrote

Then you do not have any idea of how much of some of the best players train, or require best strategy, technique, precision, reflex, and decision-making like any other team sports.


[deleted] t1_isvdzqn wrote



safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvfalu wrote

You can bastardize the term sport, but we both know you are subverting it; that's the difference. Nobody assumes a sport is sitting on your butt. We can call cursive writing a sport, and if you believe that writing in cursive is a sport, you have completely lost the spirit of what a sport is, which again is fine with me. However, still, we will need a new word to replace what everybody on earth understands is a sport today, excluding things that aren't sports, like chess, cursive writing, and esports, so that you can justify calling something that isn't a sport because the dictionary doesn't forbid it and apparently dictionaries define a language to some people and not the other way around.


[deleted] t1_isvgvnb wrote



safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvlau2 wrote

>where in the definition of "sport" is the practice of computer-based competitions excluded

I addressed that. Sorry that you don't read at my writing level. I don't think that means you are stupid but it does make it hard to communicate with you.


[deleted] t1_isvp9lr wrote



safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvqq4m wrote

>and can’t remove your own culturally couched series of assumptions that load the definition in your head.

Oh my. You almost had a good point. You were so close but then you let slip the logical fallacies. Your comment literally made two opposing arguments and you claimed them both as supporting your position. If you don't mind, explain how arguing for both sides of a topic makes you correct. "you operate on a simpler level" this is something that people who operate on a simpler level say.


T0WERM0NKEY t1_isxktqu wrote

They never contradicted themselves. Are you ok? Maybe get some help. You seem very confused.


T0WERM0NKEY t1_isxklpe wrote

Go ahead. What is the spirit of sport in your words? Lol


TSL4me t1_isvo0sy wrote

Shooting target rifles is a sport and takes far less energy than gaming at 120 clicks a minute for hours on end.


safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvpttn wrote

Is it, though? It's a competition, but is it a sport? Is this because you all received participation trophies as kids, so now, anytime you do anything, you are allowed to think you are playing sports? Look mommy I am the champion at shooting my gun exactly like Usain Bolt, basically no difference at all.


TSL4me t1_isvq55v wrote

Shooting is in the Olympics, so is archery


safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvr55j wrote

Knitting can be in the Olympics. There is no bottom. If everything is a sport than nothing is a sport.


T0WERM0NKEY t1_isxkyao wrote

Oh my god grandpa? Is that you? Go ahead and turn off that cable news, its rotting your brain.


T0WERM0NKEY t1_isxkh6x wrote

I like how you think your assumptions are the same as everyone else. Lmao


alien_from_Europa t1_isvww4j wrote

>Sure if the Chess club is a sport.

It is recognized by the International Olympic Committee and tournaments require drug testing.


safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvy70q wrote

Well, there you have it. I'm a professional athlete. What sport? Chess. lol


T0WERM0NKEY t1_isxlbev wrote

So your point is its only a sport if you personally respect it as a sport...

This is obviously a very touchy subject for you. Why is that? Did you play sports and draw your self worth from thinking that made you"more elite" or better than others?

Maybe ponder that for a moment.


safely_beyond_redemp t1_isxnnbr wrote

>This is obviously a very touchy subject for you

Says the dude that just commented on me six times from a dead thread? lol people are so fucking stupid.


T0WERM0NKEY t1_isxnxyd wrote

How many comments did you post? Lmao


safely_beyond_redemp t1_isxp9v5 wrote

I was having a conversation. Whats it to you?


T0WERM0NKEY t1_isxkbqp wrote

But it is a sport. You just have a hard time understand that words mean more than your initial knee jerk interpretation. Aka. Bias. Aka. An opinion you formed without thought.


DeNoodle t1_istnc6u wrote

My brain uses more energy than my muscles.
