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pegothejerk t1_istcd7k wrote

Stupid brain thought that said exports and I was seriously impressed that today's kids were predicting international trades and markets for elective classes now.


reddit455 t1_istdia2 wrote

>“I was 100% against it and within a year, I was 100% behind it,” Hollingshead said. “To get kids connected to the school, to get them to be part of something bigger than themselves, and to learn some of those life-skills – they’re totally getting that in Esports. We’re jumping in all the way.”


you can play for scholarships


Heroes of the Dorm leaves lasting legacy for collegiate esports

As recently as 2018, Heroes of the Storm boasted one of the best collegiate tournaments in all of esports: Heroes of the Dorm. When Heroes of the Dorm first began, the game itself was still in beta testing. The prize was a full-ride collegiate scholarship.


or you go pro and get your mom to sign your contract because you're still a kid.


NRG signs 17-year-old Overwatch pro sinatraa for $150K


and you don't have to be 7 feet tall to play for the NBA anymore.


The NBA 2K League (NBA2KL or simply 2K League) is an esports league joint venture between the National Basketball Association and Take-Two Interactive. The league was announced on February 9, 2017.[1] On May 4, 2017, it was revealed that 17 of the 30 NBA teams would have their own NBA 2K League team during the inaugural season in 2018.[2] As of 2022, there are 22 NBA teams that have 2K League Teams, while two international teams also compete in the league without being affiliated with any NBA teams.


On December 11, 2017, the official logo for the NBA 2K League was revealed,[19] with the logos for each of the 17 teams being revealed over the course of the following days.[20][21][22] On August 15, 2018, it was announced that the league would expand to 21 teams in 2019 with the addition of teams from Atlanta, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, and Minnesota.[23] The league grew to 23 teams in 2020 with the additions of Charlotte[24] and Gen.G, the first team outside of North America.[25] The league expanded to Mexico in 2022 with the addition of Dux Gaming, who became the 24th team in the league.[26] The league will expand to Australia in 2023 with the introduction of NBL Oz Gaming, operated by Australia's National Basketball League, as the 25th team.[27]


Phillyfan10 t1_istenv8 wrote

Not much of a video game player. People have been getting pissy since the dawn of time about the “sports” designation. I actually had this debate with a coworker a few days ago.

Who cares. Call it “Slappy Jim’s magical electronic activity hour” if you so desire. More kids being able to find a role and place in school doing something they enjoy is a wonderful, wonderful thing.


Nautonnier-83 t1_istfp8g wrote

Great, even more money will be taken away from education, the actual reason for kids to be in school in the first place.


KPImostwanted t1_istg9h1 wrote

You do understand that scholarships exist to create opportunity for those to earn a tuition who may not have had access to a college education otherwise, correct?

This puts money TOWARDS education.


Orcus424 t1_istjalu wrote

Are you trolling or you don't understand how clubs work? Schools already have an extracurricular budget. Esports is just a new activity. If knitting clubs became incredibly popular would you be against them too?


Nautonnier-83 t1_istlk84 wrote

Do you know how it works?

>With tightening school budgets, the spending per child on sports surpasses the expenditure per student in the main subjects. The spending on sports is typically three times more than the spending on education.

Just one example.


safely_beyond_redemp t1_istlvuf wrote

Should call it vSports for virtual sports, as in not a sport at all. I'm not saying it isn't a good extracurricular but sitting down holding a controller as a sport? Sure if the Chess club is a sport.


InternationalBand494 t1_istwolu wrote

I thought at first it said Escorts explode. That’s an entirely different, and much more interesting, post.


Bottom_Wobbles t1_isu3kv5 wrote

Wish I was born 15 years later. I could have gotten a scholarship to college for playing video games and my parents wouldn’t have yelled at me to stop playing video games.


sirboddingtons t1_isudkw0 wrote

And here I was thinking these kids were Zwifting.


Xivvx t1_isugy6t wrote

The adoption of esports by a Colorado high school association will surely provide a needed boost to esports popularity.


KingofCydonia t1_isuio1t wrote

First kid to get a letter jacket for video games is going to get bullied so hard.


luker_man t1_isux4to wrote

Brb. Gonna take high school kids lunch money using smash bros like a Medabots villain.


WanderingPickles t1_isv6ara wrote

“Alright, the kids are too fat to run. Any ideas? What’s that Fred? Call video games a sport? Hmm, maybe if they work hard enough with their thumbs they might lose the weight. It’s just crazy enough to work!”

Hint: it won’t.

Video games are fun and can engage the mind. But they are not sports in the traditional sense of the word. Young people should be getting outside, being active, seeing the sun. Heck, middle aged and older folks should be.

How will they even handle things like e-sports injuries? “Brad says he can’t play this week. Poor guy went out to get the mail and was blinded by the sun. Granted it was only dusk but his eyes had become accustomed to the dim light of the basement. To make matters worse, turns out Brad is allergic to fresh air. Moment it hit his skin, he was in incredible pain. Says it felt like he was on fire. It was only 65 Fahrenheit but direct sunlight on his Lilly white skin was just too much to bear. We’re all hoping he makes a full recovery.”


GossipOutsider t1_isv8ny0 wrote

It would be great to have an opportunity to teach students about real world economy. My Calculus teacher who used to be CPA, after finishing our AP test, had few days that he taught us about credit score and limit, interest rates, personal/car/home loans, and tax. I probably learned more useful information about real world from him than 4 years of high school.


safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvfalu wrote

You can bastardize the term sport, but we both know you are subverting it; that's the difference. Nobody assumes a sport is sitting on your butt. We can call cursive writing a sport, and if you believe that writing in cursive is a sport, you have completely lost the spirit of what a sport is, which again is fine with me. However, still, we will need a new word to replace what everybody on earth understands is a sport today, excluding things that aren't sports, like chess, cursive writing, and esports, so that you can justify calling something that isn't a sport because the dictionary doesn't forbid it and apparently dictionaries define a language to some people and not the other way around.


themagicbong t1_isvjzev wrote

Those kinds of teachers are the best. I had an English teacher, notorious for being a hard ass. But one day he took the entire class period to discuss IRAs and saving in general, as well as other financial information. He truly gave a shit about his students. Definitely changed the way I saw him.


safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvlau2 wrote

>where in the definition of "sport" is the practice of computer-based competitions excluded

I addressed that. Sorry that you don't read at my writing level. I don't think that means you are stupid but it does make it hard to communicate with you.


safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvpttn wrote

Is it, though? It's a competition, but is it a sport? Is this because you all received participation trophies as kids, so now, anytime you do anything, you are allowed to think you are playing sports? Look mommy I am the champion at shooting my gun exactly like Usain Bolt, basically no difference at all.


safely_beyond_redemp t1_isvqq4m wrote

>and can’t remove your own culturally couched series of assumptions that load the definition in your head.

Oh my. You almost had a good point. You were so close but then you let slip the logical fallacies. Your comment literally made two opposing arguments and you claimed them both as supporting your position. If you don't mind, explain how arguing for both sides of a topic makes you correct. "you operate on a simpler level" this is something that people who operate on a simpler level say.


ChickenSandwich61 t1_iswb3vf wrote

Imagine getting a scholarship to play Fortnite at University


Basas t1_isx0ljl wrote

Same way as chess is. It is useful in its own way but should not replace 'traditional' sports.

> literally fits the definition. hands are used to control the game. you are physically exerting yourself to achieve a personal or team-oriented goal

By your definition creative writing or masturbating would also fit, but it can't replace running or basketball.


Nautonnier-83 t1_isx3g3z wrote

From the the article itself (emphasis mine):

>100 teams and counting statewide in first official year

From the article:

>HRHS also has a large team. Dennis Sierra, head Esports coach at the high school, said the team just rostered its 51st student.

Clubs are community-sponsored. Teams are school-sponsored and paid for from school funding.


ApprehensiveTry5660 t1_isxhizv wrote

To be honest, with the track record concussionball has had over the last decade I’d be perfectly fine if Chess and ESports outright replaced it at the K-12 level.

It’s literally the difference in funding activities that sharpen your brain rather than physically soften your brain. I say this not just as someone who grew up playing and watching these sports, seeing both the best and worst of them, but as a parent whose children appeared right around the same time several of my childhood heroes committed suicide with gunshots to the heart so people could study their spongey brain.

I’d rather them smoke than play football at this point, and I’m beginning to have reservations about Soccer and Lacrosse. Basketball and baseball haven’t quite made the cut for me yet, but I have suspicions my own brain might become mush if I’m forced to watch too much of the latter.


T0WERM0NKEY t1_isxlbev wrote

So your point is its only a sport if you personally respect it as a sport...

This is obviously a very touchy subject for you. Why is that? Did you play sports and draw your self worth from thinking that made you"more elite" or better than others?

Maybe ponder that for a moment.


djb1983CanBoy t1_isxwxx3 wrote

Football is inherently dangerous and violent. So is hockey. But the other sports are not violent.

But there are ways to make it safe for kids and minimize injuries like concussions. Kids dont do headers in soccer anymore. Touch football should be a thing. There is no hitting in hockey below a certain age, and skill level.

Dont write off all team sports because certain ones glorify violence at the professional level.

But i would still like sports to involve physical exertion. Ive never gotten out of breath playing chess or shooting bad guys in call of duty. Why cant we just call them games, not sports?


ApprehensiveTry5660 t1_isy1yqw wrote

In tournament scenarios, you’ll easily burn 5,000+ calories playing chess. Completely ignoring the 10,000+ step days traversing hotels where 100 other players are all on a similar schedule for using the elevators, focused thought for 4 and 5 hour games twice a day will make your brain absolutely burn up the calories. Call of Duty produces a similar effect. Watch someone take it seriously, even if they’ve never held a controller before, and within 1 tense lobby they’re sweating.

I’ve played through hits as early as middle school that I should have checked out on. Culturally, it’s all, “Rub some dirt on it and walk it off.” Slide tackles and headers are still a thing at the local high schools for soccer. The LaCrosse culture is almost as bad as Rugby and Soccer. I’m biased to love basketball as much as I did football as a kid, but it’s got its own smaller specter of, “Play through the pain,” that only slowed down after we all watched Derrick Rose and Brandon Roy’s knees fall apart. I give their professional league a lot more credit for leadership from the top down, but so many more of these situations happen for small town kids listening to small town doctors who go to the same church as the coach.

I’m all for physical exertion, and to this day I’m a long distance hiker and kayaker for my personal exercise, but I wouldn’t want my kids following me down river, or god forbid taking up rock climbing or any of the other dumb shit I did when I was young and invincible. Some sports should be much more elective/extracurricular and restricted until brains are fully formed, or as you’ve stated had the contact lowered. It shouldn’t be pricy stadiums devoted to watching midwestern teenagers the size of refrigerators slam into each other at full speed. We shouldn’t be glorifying kids who cut their finger off to play in the playoffs because the recovery for a broken bone was too long, or putting them in situations where those kind of choices are even an option.

The concussions in football was the turning point for me on a lot of these views, but I’m a little bit ready for some of these cultures to change, even if they’re not in a hurry to change themselves. I’m sure football/hockey/etc will be way more boring with less contact, but to a large extent it is needed. All of it just starts to feel disgusting when you take two steps back from nostalgia and passion for these respective sports, especially if your kid is good enough to make AAU leagues and start summoning the beast that is repetitive stress for-profit.


djb1983CanBoy t1_isy5oj3 wrote

I…theres a lot here.

You could easily burn 5000 calories, walk 10000 steps etc working as a cook in a restaurant on a saturday shift. I wouldnt call it a sport strictly because it burns calories.

Yes the culture that you should play through the pain is bad. Yes rugby is also inherently violent but soccer is not. Soccer is easy to change to minimize injuries.

Ya, idiots find sports without unnecessary violence boring. But hockey wont be boring if we just take out the fighting at the least. It didnt get boring when they started wearing helmets that made it harder to see players faces. It didnt get boring when icing was implemented. We live in a society where we can make the rules and people can be taught that watching people hurt each other as a side effect shouldnt be a thing.

(There is nuance here, as i dont call for getting rid of, say fighting sports like boxing, but if the objective is to chase a ball around and get it into a net, violence doesnt have to be a component for it to be entertaining.)

You do whitewater kayaking too, but dont want your kids to do it? Why not? you can teach them to reduce the risks by getting their roll strong and to always lean towards the rock etc. Why wouldnt you want your kids to do the fun stuff you did? Do you let them ride bikes? Cars always want to murder me on the road, but it doesnt mean i should give up bicycling.

There is always going to be risks associated with lots of stuff, the key is to minimize those risks where reasonable. (Like i wouldnt want my kid to do free climbing unless he was one of the best climbers in the world or something, but its his choice to do so when he gets older)