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SounderBruce OP t1_it1fasn wrote

There's a few wildfires in the Cascades east of Seattle that are producing huge smoke plumes that are covering the lowlands to the west. It's quite unprecedented to have them burning on the western slopes this late in the year, but that's what we have to live with now.


DrBabs t1_it29xdy wrote

Go back ten years and we never had a fire season like this creating months of smoke in the air.


stupidpunname54 t1_it2lsi4 wrote

Yup... when I was a kid we had clean air, less drought and plenty of water. I've never seen such a warm October in my life.

As today progresses, we should see wind coming from the west build up and clear us out. Hopefully...


manbearcolt t1_it2mcdh wrote

I live in South Dakota (near the border with Minnesota). They just got ~5" of snow in Minnesota. It's supposed to be 85 on Sunday. October twenty fucking third in (essentially) southern Canada.

Boy oh boy I'm glad climate change is a hoax, because that would really suck if it were real...


stupidpunname54 t1_it31fjp wrote

From freezing to 85 in fall... that is wild.


DigitalSterling t1_it3cvgx wrote

I wanna say denver hit like 90 in December last year and had a wildfire pop off before it snowed like 6" the next day

Edit: I was mistaken, or misremembered where it had the 90 degree figure from. Denver did spend most of last December well above freezing though


squeakycheetah t1_it2tan2 wrote

I'm north of you in Southern B.C. The wind hit this morning and it didn't smell like campfire when I took the dog out. The smoke is pretty much gone now and it's cloudy and cool instead of sunny and 20° already. Hopefully you guys are next and get some clean air today.


stupidpunname54 t1_it315js wrote

Wind will start picking up here around 10 or 11, i hope. Still sitting well over 200ppm in my area.

I haven't been able to run all week. I tried one day and it felt like I smoked all of my weed in one go. Enjoy the fresh air!


gburdell t1_it40u73 wrote

2015 was short sleeves weather well into October in Seattle


Cimatron85 t1_it39gq4 wrote

That’s because memories are notoriously known to be not accurate.


stupidpunname54 t1_it3yfc8 wrote

And when I was a kid. The average temperature never reached 56.5 F. That is the current average temperature based off of the remaining highs and lows predicted for October.

The highest average during my child hood was 54.1F

So I think my memory, in this case, has served me well.

data source

Edit to add. 2014 saw 57f average. The highest in my lifetime. So this year ranks #2.


herbalhippie t1_it348cd wrote

This is amazing to me. I'm in Eastern WA just east of the mountains and looking out my front window it looks like I'm in a heavy fog bank. I checked the air quality here, it's 196. Seattle is freaking 217.

I grew up in Seattle and was in the area until 1998 and never once saw wildfire smoke. Now it's an every year occurrence.

On 10/5 our air quality was 345-Hazardous. Here's what it looked like.


Shot_Presence_8382 t1_it8h4gt wrote

Down here in Vancouver, WA and air quality is horrible. It was 171 last time I checked and my daughter's school has done indoor recess and VPS has cancelled school sports and athletics or kept them indoors this week. There's like 4 fires burning nearby towards Washougal and Camas. The Nakia Creek fire was apparently started by some idiots in the woods and the police are looking for them - there's a far off picture of their vehicle.


countryguy-georgia t1_it44os2 wrote

I’m in Portland this suuuucks. I just got over a nasty cold, finally got all the congestion out and now the air is toxic lol. I have a headache and feel lethargic. Good day to binge TV!


TimDave t1_it4vz65 wrote

Yep, and this time, it was caused by a dry thunder storm we got... what... 2 and a half months ago?? It's been going on a while at Goat Rocks at least. It's been like hell to breathe these last few months. My 4th inhaler in 2 months is on its way to me now, and this is WITH Advair.

I'm honestly worried about how the hell I'm supposed to live around here in the future with asthma as bad as it is.