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cremaster_shake t1_iu0at2a wrote

It's a rocket. They're reporting that they have a new improved rocket that can lift satellites to orbit.

Which is an impressive sort of thing, but the article wants to be vague about it for awhile, as if you're gonna think they've come up with an electromagnetic catapult or something. It's a rocket. If it works, that's potentially terrific.


Miaoxin t1_iu0lhxz wrote

> It's a rocket.

That actually answers the first and only question I had after reading the headline.


KJBenson t1_iu3maku wrote

But what about the clicks my dude!

Why, if the title gave away the story they might have to actually pay a journalist to write compelling information about this story!


pkpearson t1_iu1svne wrote

> It's a rocket.

It's not a rocket, it's a piece of paper. It's a contract for the development of a prototype of a rocket. And yet this piece of paper is the basis for President Fernandez's boast, “We are proud to be one of the ten countries in the world with the capacity to put satellites into orbit." Note the present tense. Note the plural. Remember the proverb about counting your chickens before they've hatched.


TenderfootGungi t1_iu4ahld wrote

Thanks. I skimmed the article and, after a thousand words of nothing, it only gives model numbers. It only eludes to what they are.


pkpearson t1_iu0ic0j wrote

The article is meticulous in naming every public official anywhere near the celebration, and generous in spending vast space quoting the glowing rhetoric of many speeches, but I can't discern any concrete accomplishment like actually launching a rocket or putting a satellite into orbit.


myOpinion23 t1_iu2wfip wrote

So thats where the retired Natzi’s scientist Argentinian love children went.