Submitted by AugustWolf22 t3_yfslmd in news
Zerole00 t1_iu5m3r9 wrote
We should release snakes that eat these birds and if the snakes get out of control I have a mongoose guy I can recommend
scipio818 t1_iu69xzi wrote
And the beauty is, when winter time comes around they'll freeze to death. Solving the issue once and for all.
little_gnora t1_iu6tnp2 wrote
Not with global warming! 🫠
oki-ra t1_iu7i05a wrote
Like my daddy puts in his drink every morning. Then he gets mad.
[deleted] t1_iu7ehgx wrote
[deleted] t1_iu9i9vc wrote
[deleted] t1_iubvbcy wrote
Amrak4tsoper t1_iu7gsc6 wrote
Dude where have you been it got rebranded to Climate Change ages ago. So any type of weather can count for it
[deleted] t1_iu7p2mj wrote
PuellaBona t1_iu7pazh wrote
But he's not wrong.
[deleted] t1_iu7phtn wrote
PuellaBona t1_iu7z28l wrote
True, but while everyone used to talk about global warming all the time, they have now focused on climate change. It was a rebranding of sorts.
[deleted] t1_iu79hb5 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu6cgyx wrote
WhyHulud t1_iu6krnc wrote
What do we do when the mongeese get out of hand
x-y-e-3-t-x t1_iu6qbg7 wrote
let them
OlyScott t1_iu6tbhq wrote
They have that problem in Hawaii. They haven't solved it.
zer1223 t1_iu7ejrv wrote
What eats those? Wolverines?
Release a bunch of wolverines
Niicks t1_iu9fbup wrote
A bunch of clones of a hunky Australian actor wandering around fighting mongoose? Sign me up!
ilikepizza2much t1_iu6rjo1 wrote
Stay out of their way
Emperorboosh t1_iu7ajba wrote
Bring in chimps to attack them
Cetun t1_iu7efxq wrote
Alternative beginning to Escape from the Planet of the Apes
[deleted] t1_iu66e9p wrote
Robbotlove t1_iu52z95 wrote
I dunno man. between climate change destruction, the ever wider and wider wealth disparity between the ruling corporate class and the rest of us and this zombie bird virus, I think maybe we'd have a better chance of survival with a zombie apocalypse.
pegothejerk t1_iu53h1t wrote
Nature doesn't have any rules about only having one disaster at a time
frankensteinisswell t1_iu5fs5e wrote
That is so bleak and so accurate
ButterflyAttack t1_iu5o1f4 wrote
In fact, they tend to cascade. Environmental damage, drought or flood, reduced crop yields, famine, war, plague. Usually in that order but sometimes they get mixed up, and sometimes you get a bonus natural disaster.
OhGawDuhhh t1_iu65sw2 wrote
Good thing human brains are soooooo great at understanding compounding effects
satansxlittlexhelper t1_iu6klpq wrote
You know, as a treat.
[deleted] t1_iu5fp02 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu5i8nm wrote
LewisEFurr t1_iu54ayd wrote
ha, imagine being in a zombie survival situation with 10 people and 4 of them think zombies are a fake liberal conspiracy.
Stephanreggae t1_iu54iss wrote
And 3 of them are trying to figure out how they can capitalize on undead workers.
Rich_Hedberg t1_iu58aek wrote
"It's perfect Charles, they eat anything. They don't think for themselves. There's no way they'll unionize. You need to stop looking at this as an apocalypse and start looking at it as a business opportunity. You're never going to get Senior Director with that attitude."
TheShadowKick t1_iu6aejk wrote
Getting some real RE: Your Brains vibes here.
Clip_Clops t1_iu8vul9 wrote
You never had the head for all that, bigger picture stuff.
Beard_o_Bees t1_iu59vgv wrote
Pay them under the table with brains, while also loudly complaining about how the place is being overrun with zombies.
[deleted] t1_iu5jfvy wrote
Idaho_Brotato t1_iu5a77w wrote
I'd probably be OK with that since we are living in their shelter, eating their food and using their weapons.
[deleted] t1_iu5w2pu wrote
Raregolddragon t1_iu62gm4 wrote
Those 4 are out of the group once they voice that.
[deleted] t1_iu6xzhf wrote
foxrun89 t1_iu5inh9 wrote
I think a zombie apocalypse would be far more enjoyable than the one we got now.
[deleted] t1_iu59uwh wrote
70ms t1_iu5fm9u wrote
I've been playing a lot of DayZ lately to prepare.
One_Wheel_Drive t1_iu5fj2p wrote
So you're saying birds need to social distance.
GodZefir t1_iu5h6lx wrote
Please say we can give them tiny masks.
AramaicDesigns t1_iu7c6e9 wrote
It's paramyxovirus. The vector is well known.
[deleted] t1_iu5fkf9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu5i4lo wrote
[deleted] t1_iu5l19o wrote
[deleted] t1_iu60lyo wrote
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_iu55jig wrote
That won't work and here is why. Birds are flock feeders regardless of where the food/water is. What attracts one, attracts all.
UncannyTarotSpread t1_iu567da wrote
It will help by reducing cross species exposure to infected birds and fecal matter
pegothejerk t1_iu5828x wrote
It does work and is suggested by experts every time this happens with other bird pathogens of concern.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_iu5d4zb wrote
In an environment where a species is contained (ex: poultry farm), segregation of species is possible. In the wild, all bets are off. If one bird sees another feeding, it will approach, and another, and so forth. Same with water.
Now if you keep domesticated pigeons and you also set out food/water for your flock and wild birds to intermingle, it's a bit different. It seems that this is the only place where this could have an impact on spread, but only for each flock in question.
pegothejerk t1_iu5e25x wrote
The advice is to not add to the free roaming bird population yet another social space to gather, as birds by nature stay in fairly isolated groups, but will co-mingle outside their flocks with even other species when food sources are extraordinary rich compared to those they’re used to otherwise in more natural settings. This isn’t a new idea, it’s well established and accepted by experts. Don’t add to the problem. Birds don’t just go around greeting every bird in their city/state.
[deleted] t1_iu5i44a wrote
[deleted] t1_iu58ydi wrote
mrshatnertoyou t1_iu51jra wrote
>Pigeons have become a target of a terrible disease called the Pigeon Paramyxovirus (PPMV) or Newcastle's Disease in the UK. It results in neurological symptoms, including trembling wings and a violently twisted neck. The affected pigeons become reluctant to move and can't fly. They also have green feces. The disease is fatal for pigeons.
>A JSPCA Animal Shelter spokesperson reported that the shelter had increased the number of grounded pigeons in the last few weeks. Many affected birds had neurological symptoms, such as a twisted neck, circling, or inability to stand. The spokesperson added that these symptoms are signs of pigeon paramyxovirus that affects poultry, doves and pigeons and is invariably fatal.
>PPMV is a notifiable disease in captive birds. It does not apply to wild birds. The affected birds die within a few days, and there is no treatment for the disease. PPMV is highly infectious and can spread through feces and other excretions of the affected birds. Surviving birds will shed the virus, becoming a risk to other birds. So, at JSPCA, the infected birds are humanely euthanised. Since the PPMV virus survives better in cold and wet months, the disease's clusters are usually found at this time of the year.
>Does the Pigeon Paramyxovirus (PPMV) or Newcastle's Disease affect only pigeons?
>PPMV affects doves, pigeons and poultry.
>Is PPMV highly infectious?
>PPMV is highly infectious, spreading through the affected bird's feces and other secretions.
From another article not behind a wall.
Morsigil t1_iu5ic4t wrote
Huh.. "invariably fatal" and "surviving birds" seem mutually exclusive.
Piranha91 t1_iu5nz0l wrote
Pretty sure it means before they shed virus while they’re still alive.
Lukeds t1_iu64brt wrote
I mean they don't in context but they do in your comment. Birds that have caught the disease but HAVE NOT died aka "surviving birds" spread the disease. Then they will die eventually.
TooDamnPretty t1_iu66e52 wrote
"infected birds" would be a better word choice. Surviving implies recovery, which doesn't match with a 100% fatality rate.
PuellaBona t1_iu7ptnl wrote
The article was wrong. Some birds do survive. No pathogen kills 100% of its hosts. It wouldn't survive.
imnota4 t1_iu82qwe wrote
That's not true at all, rabies is a perfect example of a pathogen with a 100% kill rate. It eats away at the nerves and brain of anything it infects.
PuellaBona t1_iu8927s wrote
No pathogen has a 100% kill rate
BeltfedOne t1_iu51tun wrote
Thank you.
gillesbian t1_iu54bav wrote
Those filthy Geordies are at it again
LowDownSkankyDude t1_iu7793l wrote
Yew wah!?!
ecuintras t1_iu5rqc1 wrote
Oh snap. I saw a post about a pigeon with these symptoms a few weeks ago.
[deleted] t1_iu5imur wrote
[deleted] t1_iu60bpu wrote
DeFex t1_iu6cfq4 wrote
So this could easily hit chicken factories?
tinypieceofmeat t1_iu7bbuy wrote
> Newcastle's Disease
Woah, we don't name diseases after places.
bakedbeebs t1_iu65lhz wrote
i literally just saw a tiktok about ‘pigeons are friends, we carry no more disease than cats and dogs’ womp
AugustWolf22 OP t1_iu4ywvz wrote
apologies for the stupid headline they went with, this disease is Very serious however, so all fellow UK redditors please keep an eye out for sick birds.
PetzlPretzel t1_iu55jjh wrote
No no no. Since 2019 this has all been a shit show. This is better than nuclear winter. I'll take the zombies and roll with it.
ItsGK t1_iu5e8ib wrote
Everything was fine until the Cubs won the World Series.
solidus610 t1_iu6ci47 wrote
Everything was fine until they shot Harambe, we are living through the Harambe shot timeline.
RedJester44 t1_iu6dqpy wrote
At least it’s not the timeline where they shot 2 harambes
solidus610 t1_iu6odqb wrote
I almost shit myself laughing from that, fuckin winner right her.
[deleted] t1_iu75x2k wrote
saxxy_assassin t1_iu6fl5m wrote
My money is on them turning on the Hadron Collider.
[deleted] t1_iu6vak2 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu5hhxf wrote
[deleted] t1_iu65ooq wrote
[deleted] t1_iu57stf wrote
[deleted] t1_iu5mtwr wrote
bibblode t1_iu6ukea wrote
Zombies + global nuclear winter?
[deleted] t1_iu55lzs wrote
[deleted] t1_iu55q9h wrote
chiefkiefnobeef t1_iu51mck wrote
Birds infected with the virus will usually die within a few days but this is long enough for it to keep spreading between birds
Pigeons who fall ill with pigeon paramyxovirus, a disease also known as PPMV or Newcastle’s Disease, will experience a range of neurological symptoms, such as a violently twisted neck and trembling wings.
They also dramatically lose weight, have green droppings, walk in circles (often meaning they can’t fly), and are reluctant to move.
While the disease cannot affect humans, it can cause conjunctivitis in those handling the sick birds and so caution is advised.
The condition and its alarming symptoms have caused people to call infected birds ‘zombie pigeons’. Here’s what you need to know about the disease.
Are there zombie pigeons in the UK? It has so far affected populations on Jersey, where some birds have had to be euthanised.
There haven’t been recorded cases on the mainland yet, and officials in Jersey are putting down birds in the hopes of preventing the spread of the disease any further.
What steps are being taken to combat zombie pigeons? The government has released advice to those who own or handle pigeons, recommending: “Vaccinating your pigeons against the disease – talk to your vet for advice [if you run pigeons shows or races, you must ensure any bird taking part has been vaccinated] and practising strict biosecurity on your premises.”
JSPCA Animal Shelter on the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands has been leading attempts to contain the disease, telling the Mirror that the illness has no treatment “and many birds die within a few days”.
“Any that do survive will continue to shed the virus and be a risk to other birds,” a spokesperson added. “At the JSPCA, affected birds are humanely euthanased.”
The disease is extremely infectious among birds, spreading through droppings and other bodily fluids. It’s especially common at this time of year, as the virus can survive longer in the wetter, colder months.
BroadAbroad t1_iu56qlk wrote
Poor things. I have a soft spot for pigeons as a parrot owner. Pigeons are sweet and gentle and have done so much for humans and we just abandoned them. I've always said if I get another bird, it'll be a pigeon.
LewisEFurr t1_iu54gi2 wrote
>While the disease cannot affect humans
so far
Dewey_Cheatem t1_iu98qer wrote
Just in time 2023, let's go!
lakeghost t1_iu5g8hc wrote
It can infect humans, based on the reading I’ve done. It just is usually asymptomatic but can cause flu-like symptoms. I imagine it has to do with which strain you’re dealing with.
[deleted] t1_iu5i986 wrote
LordFluffy t1_iu54l2h wrote
Zombie Pigeons.
Who's got Bingo?
CyberNinja23 t1_iu552p4 wrote
It’s not on a bingo card because birds aren’t real
LordFluffy t1_iu5adu7 wrote
Bird denier.
Who got the daily Bingo?
zanzabarism t1_iu5t0yq wrote
Almost, I just need “first human case of CWD.”
maddogcow t1_iu6ryul wrote
Not zombies, acuz they are alive. They are majority voting bloc pigeons.
Soliae t1_iu53jrs wrote
This isn't a freaking mystery, it's Newcastle's, which has been around for quite some time. Chickens can get it, too.
veryabnormal t1_iu8ntd6 wrote
They say it is a mystery and then say what it is and what causes it in the 2nd sentence.
earthwormzug t1_iu523ch wrote
Get to the Winchester asap
MMSG91 t1_iu5q1zl wrote
...and wait for all of this to blow over.
twitch1313 t1_iu530i7 wrote
Cane here for the reference and am now satisfied,thank you
[deleted] t1_iu5g48e wrote
[deleted] t1_iu60e3t wrote
ci_newman t1_iu5ksnk wrote
What an utterly s**t headline and header photo.
"There's been no reports of illness on mainland UK, just a few birds seen in Jersey". So no, it hasn't been seen in London despite the picture.
There's also a greater chance of it passing and spreading across mainland Europe than in the UK - go check a map.
briefbriefs t1_iu50tvw wrote
I don’t want to sign up to read the article. Can anyone post it?
Larkshade t1_iu52hjv wrote
I didn’t know 28 days later was a documentary.
feed_me_the_gherkin t1_iu53iv2 wrote
Begun, the bird wars have
CarverSeashellCharms t1_iu9oump wrote
Begun, the cloaca wars have.
1stFunestist t1_iu5us21 wrote
Now we just need to reach the Pub, order a pint and wait untill all of this nonsense blows over.
byebyecivilrights t1_iu53ji3 wrote
wake up babe, a new TWD sequel just dropped
lakeghost t1_iu5hk26 wrote
Here’s a citation regarding the disease’s possible harms to human beings.
Please be careful if you work with birds.
ph30nix01 t1_iu5npbf wrote
Let's hope this doesn't get to our chicken populations
Professional_Day2626 t1_iu7kqnz wrote
Does it would spread to human?
AugustWolf22 OP t1_iu86okm wrote
Thankfully it does not currently infect humans.
Zeniphyre t1_iu58ndx wrote
Summary for people who do not want to make an account?
AugustWolf22 OP t1_iu5kdii wrote
An outbreak of a horrible and fatal disease that causes pigeons and other birds to violently and involuntarily spasm and fit has recently been reported on Guernsey and Jersey. there are fears that the disease could reach the rest of the UK. the virus that causes the disease is called: Pigeon Paramyxovirus (PPMV)
AramaicDesigns t1_iu7cfp4 wrote
Which is very well known, its vector of transmission is understood, and if you have pet birds, there is a vaccine against it that most pigeon fanciers inoculate their flocks with to begin with.
This is nothing special.
Few-Evidence-7534 t1_iu5c2ye wrote
I got a letter today from DEFRA saying I live inside of, or in the direct vicinity of, an avian flu outbreak, so uhhhhhh... Combine that with this headline and I suppose i'll let you guys know when it jumps to humans lol.
...Although with some of the country bumpkins around here it may be hard to tell if they're infected or just left the pub.
Fizzicyst t1_iu60lsf wrote
I initially thought 'Zombie Pidgeon' was a new moniker for the Tories.
theHip t1_iu5t9bs wrote
It’s a disease that kills pigeons - what is the relations to zombies?
ZestyOlive7549 t1_iu6el36 wrote
But I thought birds aren’t real?
hellzkeeper1216 t1_iu6oqbw wrote
I guess they used cheap batteries in these during the lock downs. Should have used Duracell.
dedzip t1_iu783ph wrote
“This is not the t virus”
NateShaw92 t1_iui03zj wrote
It's the tea virus. We had it wrong all along.
AramaicDesigns t1_iu7c263 wrote
It's not a mystery. The article says it's paramyxovirus. Newcastles.
This is well-known to pigeon fanciers, and many flocks are vaccinated against it.
Doesn't help too much with ferals, though. It will chew through them occasionally, and the next generation is stronger against it.
Actual-Climate-450 t1_iu7d59q wrote
"That's another one for apocalypse bingo!"
jojothegreat55555 t1_iu7e14d wrote
Wow I did not have this on my 2023 bingo card
[deleted] t1_iu4zwcq wrote
indoninja t1_iu50f3d wrote
I’ve been waiting for this zombie/birds crossover…
ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_iu548nd wrote
[deleted] t1_iu5202b wrote
[deleted] t1_iu52wum wrote
[deleted] t1_iu57zk8 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu59cxp wrote
Hyth4n t1_iu5a1g5 wrote
I'm sorry, Earth is closed today.
[deleted] t1_iu5aqq1 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu5b320 wrote
noodles_the_strong t1_iu5cuxp wrote
It coming everybody! Load em up!
[deleted] t1_iu5d6f3 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu5e8rr wrote
DiceMadeOfCheese t1_iu5rxj0 wrote
It sure has been a rough year for the UK
snapper1971 t1_iu5ux73 wrote
It's not fatal as in systematic failure but more it makes them vulnerable to predation. Pigeons with PPMV1 (pigeon paramyxovirus-1) will make a full recovery. It is not transmissible to humans although hygiene is necessary if handling infected birds (or just birds in general ya dirty mingers)
[deleted] t1_iu5wc45 wrote
red_sutter t1_iu60qzu wrote
Might want to avoid taking the train for a few days, y'all
[deleted] t1_iu61cye wrote
That_Guy_Brody t1_iu62i7g wrote
My money is on prions
jschubart t1_iu67tc1 wrote
They are already drones.
[deleted] t1_iu6bquw wrote
Drop_Acid_Drop_Bombs t1_iu6cry2 wrote
These clickbait headlines are getting out of hand
[deleted] t1_iu6dfvs wrote
[deleted] t1_iu6ftx9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu6gw2j wrote
Johnisfaster t1_iu6lesw wrote
How does “the pigeon will get sick and then die” = zombies?
gromnirit t1_iu6ly9l wrote
And so the Zombie Apocalypse begins.
[deleted] t1_iu6na87 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu6oycz wrote
[deleted] t1_iu6q0o9 wrote
Ok-Software-1902 t1_iu6r1q3 wrote
This is just fear-mongering about Newcastle’s disease.
randomnighmare t1_iu6vhpg wrote
Is this some kind of avian prion disease? Or is this something new and in terms of talking about "zombies", are we talking about the hyper strong/fast kind or the slow rotting kind that is easier to avoid?
[deleted] t1_iu6xkuo wrote
[deleted] t1_iu786bk wrote
DifficultContact8999 t1_iu78ave wrote
One step away from someone eating a bird....
[deleted] t1_iu7agk6 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu7gl7v wrote
SuperSimpleSam t1_iu7guc1 wrote
Finally something bad in UK that can't be blamed on BREXIT.
[deleted] t1_iu7i6it wrote
[deleted] t1_iu7khvm wrote
[deleted] t1_iu7ll4d wrote
[deleted] t1_iu7n4y8 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu7nuzc wrote
[deleted] t1_iu7zqow wrote
[deleted] t1_iu8ehmp wrote
The Game of Shadows have begun my dear Watson
buddyravage t1_iu8fni7 wrote
Pigeons seem like braindead birds anyway, how can we tell if one is infected?
justtheentiredick t1_iu8ggi7 wrote
I love click Bait titles. So hot right now.
[deleted] t1_iu8wmzn wrote
TheAtomicRatonga t1_iuavgrj wrote
So 28 days is becoming a reality
[deleted] t1_iud0g3v wrote
oceansblue1984 t1_iu56dsq wrote
I'm all for a zombie apocalypse this world is skipping to my loo right off a cliff
jippyzippylippy t1_iu5aopb wrote
Then it jumps to humans and we're suddenly "Walking Dead: The Reality Version".
TehJohnny t1_iu5f7oj wrote
Finally, the global reset is starting.
[deleted] t1_iu647n0 wrote
Maruff1 t1_iu5y80e wrote
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I'm ready for this shit to be over!!!
pegothejerk t1_iu50ghg wrote
FYI: until a vector of spread is discovered, all those in suspected affected regions or near them should take down all bird feeding stations, empty bird baths and cease all feeding activities at home and public to avoid encouraging birds to gather and spread it more.