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Mist_Rising t1_it5wgwg wrote

This isn't the first time the anti BDS laws have been sued - successfully - in courts including the supreme court. ACLU is the usual challenger.

The "rights" group that hasn't seemingly fought them is unsurprisingly the Anti deformation league (ADL), which claims they do a 'case by case' decision but seem to always decide they approve of the laws barring you from your first amendment to protest Israel.


Upset-Ad4844 t1_it5xe9o wrote

Thanks, Mist. I looked them up on Wikipedia because I'm not very familiar.

It seems they are pretty entrenched as a pro-Israel group and do not even pretend to be apolitical. Is this a fair appraisal?


Mist_Rising t1_it5z8o1 wrote

Close enough, they're what people refer to when they say pro Israeli lobbyists in the US. They're also the opposite of B'Tselem which claims Israeli is apartheid and ADL called the report anti semitic. @_@


[deleted] t1_it64l6r wrote



My_Homework_Account t1_it64v6u wrote

So B'nai B'rith and the ADL are wrong, B'Tselem is right.

Thanks for your support making it apparent on which is which


Mist_Rising t1_it65crp wrote

Lmao I fixed a slight mistake and he really unveiled some things I wasn't expecting. Holy shit calling AI fascist...


Dauvis t1_it7162n wrote

Yeah, they are one of the groups that promote the narrative that criticism of the Israel government policies is antisemitism.