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bemenaker t1_iu43kpz wrote

Fuck you Russia and even more so for placing mines.


NiteSwept t1_iu47qlr wrote

Aren't landmines a war crime?


Sgt-Cowboy t1_iu4941z wrote

Under Protocol II of the Convention on Conventional Weapons, they’re only illegal if you do not mark them and keep a record of them for later removal.

So yes, in Russia’s case, start counting war crimes.


AudibleNod t1_iu4964e wrote

> landmines a war crime?

Russia, the US, both Koreas and some other countries are NOT signatories to the Ottawa Treaty. Ukraine is a signatory. So, since few UN Security Council members didn't jump on, it's basically fluff, sadly.


eobardtame t1_iu4jzc9 wrote

IIRC the USA and the Koreas opted out, turning it into fluff, specifically because the UNSC (ha, halo ref) would not give us the exception for the landmined border between north and south korea.


DibsMine t1_iu4k8ks wrote

also US landmines self destruct after x amount of time


Sgt-Cowboy t1_iu4l88i wrote

Not all do, but we can only design, produce, and use ones that have a self deactivation/destruction feature built in. This was all from the 2020 Mine Ban Treaty here in the USA.


Drachefly t1_iu4x60a wrote

Even those in the Korean DMZ?

That is of course the one legitimate use - VERY clearly marked.


DibsMine t1_iu4xcv7 wrote

we havnt planted mines there since the war, we want defectors to cross. NK keeps planting mines though.


trollsong t1_iu4ywk8 wrote

Laos says hi


immalittlepiggy t1_iu75j86 wrote

So…are ya Chinese or Japanese?

(Sorry, my love for King of the Hill made me. I promise I know it is its own country.)


[deleted] t1_iuhi6gc wrote



AudibleNod t1_iuhjo4f wrote

Likely no.

That seems to fall under a cluster bomb. For which there is a treaty, but none of the belligerents are signatories. If anyone specifically targets civilians at the moment of deployment that's likely a war crime.

And there has to be intent. Unlike when the CIA selected a single target for the Kovoso campaign and it happened to be the Chinese embassy and not a communication building. That was a total accident and not deliberate. In any way. Believe me.


[deleted] t1_iuhjv32 wrote



AudibleNod t1_iuhqr3m wrote

Go on another sub and find an armchair tactician there. I'm not going to research it or get in the mind of some army major as to the reasoning.


SensitiveAd5962 t1_iu498bo wrote

Can't have a war crime if its a "special operation" and not a war.


90swasbest t1_iu4b1yo wrote

Every country on earth commits "war crimes".


detahramet t1_iu4ibmf wrote

Remember kids, its only a war crime if you lose.


Anonuser123abc t1_iu4mbyi wrote

So that makes them all acceptable?


90swasbest t1_iu4xa28 wrote

Are you high??? If nobody follows it, it's pointless. Jfc. Really?!? I had to explain that?


Sgt-Spliff t1_iu4ztro wrote

So they're still war crimes though?


AKA_Steve t1_iu6e2qg wrote

I would think so.... It seems @90swasbest is failing to grasp that one can be morally opposed to a thing, regardless of the past action/inaction of their origin country.

I would go so far as to say one should be even more morally opposed if their origin country is a hypocrite about things.

I would also argue that: talking about, criticizing, or otherwise noting immoral actions is a good thing; and that throwing ones hands in the air and saying it doesn't matter, or in their words "If nobody follows it, it's pointless.", is not constructive


NiteSwept t1_iu4cz71 wrote

sure but they typically don't own up to it


Ahecee t1_iu4di74 wrote

Well, not really, but 3 or 4 of the biggest sure do.


Ahecee t1_iu4dh8j wrote

Well, not really, but 3 or 4 of the biggest sure do.
