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DibsMine t1_iu4k8ks wrote

also US landmines self destruct after x amount of time


Sgt-Cowboy t1_iu4l88i wrote

Not all do, but we can only design, produce, and use ones that have a self deactivation/destruction feature built in. This was all from the 2020 Mine Ban Treaty here in the USA.


Drachefly t1_iu4x60a wrote

Even those in the Korean DMZ?

That is of course the one legitimate use - VERY clearly marked.


DibsMine t1_iu4xcv7 wrote

we havnt planted mines there since the war, we want defectors to cross. NK keeps planting mines though.


trollsong t1_iu4ywk8 wrote

Laos says hi


immalittlepiggy t1_iu75j86 wrote

So…are ya Chinese or Japanese?

(Sorry, my love for King of the Hill made me. I promise I know it is its own country.)