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Jspr t1_iu433hg wrote

I don't know why the hell we still have an ambassador.

I thought the fishermen made Ireland's stance clear as day.


pegothejerk t1_iu439q4 wrote

You'd think he'd be grateful, considering how many Russians have accidentally cleared them


bemenaker t1_iu43kpz wrote

Fuck you Russia and even more so for placing mines.


Hyceanplanet t1_iu43sy6 wrote

Misfire in Russia's diplomatic strategy -- this enerergizes support in Ireland for active help in Ukraine.


ekkidee t1_iu43wmk wrote

Shorter Ireland: You can fuck right off, Russia.


TechyDad t1_iu46yqw wrote

>Yury Filatov said: "There is no way around the fact that by engaging with the Ukrainian military, be it on mines or otherwise, Ireland would clearly be involved in the ongoing conflict in a direct way."

It sounds to me like Russia is desperate to say that other nations are actively helping Ukraine fight the war (beyond supplying arms and training). I think they recognize that they're losing and would rather say "it's because we were fighting all of NATO and Ukraine" rather than "we couldn't beat that tiny country on our border."

Of course, the scary part is whether they'll believe their own propaganda and decide to "counterattack" to retaliate for "NATO forces helping Ukraine."


GhostPartical t1_iu47dy8 wrote

Are you really sure you wanna go down that road fucking with the Irish, Putin?

-edit grammar is hard


Discoveryellow t1_iu47m4j wrote

That Irish-speak: "I wouldn't trust the Russian ambassador as far as I could throw him" is gold! a pot you know where.


Cerberusz t1_iu47wxq wrote

I don’t think there is a single country that is afraid of Russia anymore.


air_lock t1_iu489pe wrote

If Russia is trying to garner worldwide support against themselves, they sure are doing a good job.


Uncle_Charnia t1_iu48h5h wrote

I will now make a point of buying something imported from Ireland.


Sgt-Cowboy t1_iu4941z wrote

Under Protocol II of the Convention on Conventional Weapons, they’re only illegal if you do not mark them and keep a record of them for later removal.

So yes, in Russia’s case, start counting war crimes.


AudibleNod t1_iu4964e wrote

> landmines a war crime?

Russia, the US, both Koreas and some other countries are NOT signatories to the Ottawa Treaty. Ukraine is a signatory. So, since few UN Security Council members didn't jump on, it's basically fluff, sadly.


wanawanka t1_iu4a0em wrote

If this doesn't stop, they may have a drinking contest


BazilBroketail t1_iu4anv2 wrote

Dude, your giving your new war slaves bolt action rifles from WW2 and rations that are wood wrapped in paper. Know you're trash and shut up.


sassykittygurl t1_iu4be89 wrote

Irelands reply should be along the lines of 'Russian DAmbassadore, Go Fuck Yourself'


pembroke529 t1_iu4bg2e wrote

The only thing Russia has been good with in this conflict is making empty threats.


Sydney444 t1_iu4bnds wrote

What country haven’t they warned about something? They better be careful their running out of country’s.


Due-Designer4078 t1_iu4bsi3 wrote

Just once I'd love to hear a diplomat tell Russia to f*** right off.


Mimosa_Coast t1_iu4c99n wrote

Dear Russia,

When all your men are dead, your women will be treated well by the kind and handsome Irish people.

-Regards to your obliterated offensive,

The Irish.


Chumy_Cho t1_iu4caw0 wrote

Russians threatening everyone


eidhrmuzz t1_iu4cjhr wrote

Russia came here to do two things.

Warn people.

And lose battles.

And they’re all outta warnings that people care about.


boznia t1_iu4f1dv wrote

Ireland is not a member of NATO and has a neutrality stance when it comes to war. The Russian ambassador is taking advantage of this to suggest Ireland is violating its principles by being involved in training Ukraine's military to remove land mines. I'd argue training others to remove land mines is not necessarily a military action but rather a humanitarian action.


MikeLinPA t1_iu4ffrm wrote

Stick this Putin lacky in the middle of a minefield, and see if he wants Ireland to clear the mine for him.


ankisaves t1_iu4hjyr wrote

Threatening the Fighting Irish.. bold move cotton


fireape55 t1_iu4hxky wrote

Perhaps the ambassador should lead a humanitarian effort of destroying the mines with his own two feet.


Zdrack t1_iu4jppz wrote

Don't worry, I'll go over and return the mines to you. In thinking I'll lay them about 100ft deep all around the border


eobardtame t1_iu4jzc9 wrote

IIRC the USA and the Koreas opted out, turning it into fluff, specifically because the UNSC (ha, halo ref) would not give us the exception for the landmined border between north and south korea.


Sgt-Cowboy t1_iu4l88i wrote

Not all do, but we can only design, produce, and use ones that have a self deactivation/destruction feature built in. This was all from the 2020 Mine Ban Treaty here in the USA.


Anonuser123abc t1_iu4m5q2 wrote

What are they going to do about it, invade and annex Ireland? Go fuck yourself Vladimir.


CharleyNobody t1_iu4qbhu wrote

Russia, telling us they’ve never pissed off an Irish family without telling us they’ve never pissed off an Irish family.


ExPatWharfRat t1_iu4x9b1 wrote

Oh, Russia. You really want to start a war with the world's saddest lovers and happiest warriors? That ain't gonna end well.


trollsong t1_iu4ypf5 wrote

Ronald Rust, the god’s gift to the enemy, any enemy, and a walking encouragement to desertion. The Rust family had produced great soldiers, by the undemanding standards of ‘Deduct your own casualties from those of the enemy, and if the answer is a positive number, it was a glorious victory’ school of applied warfare. But Rust’s lack of any kind of military grasp was matched only by his high opinion of the talent he in fact possessed only in negative amounts

Terry Pratchett - Nights Watch


madumi-mike t1_iu4zm2c wrote

Big talk for a country who's Army ain't got no guns.


TheHairyManrilla t1_iu5018z wrote

Irish fisherman drove off the Russian navy without firing a shot.

I don’t think they’ll be intimidated here.


Kcb1986 t1_iu56bgm wrote

Bold talk coming from a nation who's navy was effectively defeated by a dozen Irish fishing boats. Russia, please sit.


8FootedAlgaeEater t1_iu59r1x wrote

Why are we getting so many posts about what Russia or Russian leadership is saying? Seems like a lot. Seems like a lot of posts are "Russia/Putin/warmongers say ____".


DontWakeTheInsomniac t1_iu5c28a wrote

Special Training Operation.

Although I'd like to mention that neutrality simply means we do not sign defensive pacts or join allegiances. This allows us to decide how to react to each war on a case by case basis.


Palidor t1_iu5gjou wrote

Next up: Russia threatens Wales


Eaton_Rifles t1_iu5nrt6 wrote

Add Ireland to the ever growing list of nations that Ruzzia have pissed off. At this rate the only place they’re going on holiday is Siberia...🤣


CedarWolf t1_iu5s98t wrote

Wales sends football hooligans to threaten Russia. Forces Russian diplomats to try to say 'Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch,' then uploads the video to YouTube.


Goinwiththeotherone t1_iu64oih wrote

Somehow I don't think Russia is in much of a position to open another front on its war.


AKA_Steve t1_iu6e2qg wrote

I would think so.... It seems @90swasbest is failing to grasp that one can be morally opposed to a thing, regardless of the past action/inaction of their origin country.

I would go so far as to say one should be even more morally opposed if their origin country is a hypocrite about things.

I would also argue that: talking about, criticizing, or otherwise noting immoral actions is a good thing; and that throwing ones hands in the air and saying it doesn't matter, or in their words "If nobody follows it, it's pointless.", is not constructive


lol_treez t1_iu6k1cj wrote

Time for the Irish to “warn” the ambassador back by showing him back to his beloved Russia.


Intransigient t1_iu6k1yr wrote

Ó, mar sin tá tú ag rabhadh dúinn anois? Ní dóigh liom go bhfuil a fhios agat cé leis a bhfuil tú ag caint. Ba chóir duit stop a chur suas, agus d'aghaidh a ghreamú ar ais i mbuidéal vodca, áit a mbaineann sé.


criticalpwnage t1_iu6ueeo wrote

Russia is going to learn pretty quick that you shouldn’t fuck with the Irish


JohnnyAK907 t1_iu6wdz4 wrote

To quote my very Irish wife, whom I just read this article to, "Oh come say that to our faces if you have a problem picking up after yourselves, Putty."


MilfagardVonBangin t1_iu84c5y wrote

It’s not a one off stance. We have neutrality (non-belligerence would be more accurate really) written into our constitution. It’d take a national referendum to remove it.

We do peacekeeping really well, and the training we'll provide is part of that tradition. We do support Ukraine.


xpdx t1_iuh286i wrote

Russia out here issuing threats like everyone doesn't already know they are full of shit. What you gonna do Russia? Invade Ireland? With what army exactly? Cut off the supply of gas and oil? Oh wait nobody buys it now. Except India for pennies on the dollar. You gonna block Irish from traveling to Russia? Oh no! so many vacation plans ruined!

GTFO of here.


AudibleNod t1_iuhjo4f wrote

Likely no.

That seems to fall under a cluster bomb. For which there is a treaty, but none of the belligerents are signatories. If anyone specifically targets civilians at the moment of deployment that's likely a war crime.

And there has to be intent. Unlike when the CIA selected a single target for the Kovoso campaign and it happened to be the Chinese embassy and not a communication building. That was a total accident and not deliberate. In any way. Believe me.