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pegothejerk t1_itq4md9 wrote

Investigators are unsure if there's any truth to her claims because the only evidence they got was a "hit" by a cadaver dog.

> The well, since filled in, was 90 feet deep

Oh shit. That shit is filled with bodies.


RapNVideoGames t1_itqrfxm wrote

Dog barks uncontrollably at cement filled well

“Nothing to see here”

Dog wags tail while looking at your car

“Get the fuck out and tell me where the dope is at you piece of shit”


[deleted] t1_itry9bx wrote



cursedalien t1_itsquge wrote

Same with search and rescue and cadaver dogs. My parents train them. They are trained to come back to their handler and quietly lay down if they hit on something. It always bugs me to see movies where search dogs are walking through the forest frantically barking and the police go, "We got something here!"


NewSinner_2021 t1_itre5nz wrote

They also apparently teach them to “hit” on command. Shitty people doing shitty shit.


No_Hana t1_itsgj06 wrote

I car was pulled over in front of my house a while back and they brought the dog out. As it was sniffing around I saw the cop tap his thigh and the dog instantly sat down. They then proceeded to search the whole car. Lucky for them they really didn't have anything and were let go.

Which right off the bat should show drug dogs should not be used. How do you get a "hit" but not come up with anything and still act like it's a viable tool?

I get breathalyzer aren't enough to convict an an owi but are enough to take a blood sample. But breathalyzer don't lie about alcohol only the amount. You can't make the breathalyzer ding you on command.


Tshootr74 t1_itr3cut wrote

I about cried laughing at this....good one....