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bannana t1_itqs6z1 wrote

Samuel Little did with no problems (93confirmed victims), he even got caught red handed in the act a couple of times and cops didn't seem to care all that much.


attillathehoney t1_itrk15v wrote

One of Jeffery Dahmer's victims, a 14 year old boy called Konerak Sinthasomphone actually escaped from Dahmer and ran into the street naked and disoriented. Not only did Milwaukee cops not believe him or the neighbors who reported it, they handed him back to Dahmer who strangled him to death 30 minutes after they left. While the cops were checking out Dahmers apartment, there was another body in the bedroom that the cops didn't see.


Pallets_Of_Cash t1_itrqxns wrote

There was a recent case of a girl who escaped her house where she and her siblings were kept chained by their parents. She took some cell phone pics of her siblings before she escaped and the cops said that was a real smart move because without the pics they might have just considered her a runaway and returned her home.


Archmage_of_Detroit t1_itt21b3 wrote

Jordan Turpin.

Yeah, the cops treated it as a "runaway" situation and were fully prepared to return her to her parents, despite her saying they'd tried to kill her before, and would absolutely do it again. The only reason they entered the home at all was because of those pictures. When they went inside, they found a dozen emaciated kids, some of whom were chained to their beds and hadn't bathed for a year.

It's considered one of the worst child abuse cases in America's history, and the cops almost didn't investigate.

Thankfully Jordan seems to be doing great now. She has an active TikTok account and keeps in touch with her siblings.


LotharLothar t1_itu8r8g wrote

Not sure how familiar you are with the case. Was very sad. Some of them were put in foster homes where they were subjected to physical and sexual abuse, again. Very troubling. They do seem to be doing well now, though. Very resilient.


Few-Cable5130 t1_itskbki wrote

I mean it was just some boyfriend stuff.

Don't forget where these cops not only kept their job but one was president of the local police union in the 2000's and just retired in 2017.