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haixin t1_is2ix7t wrote

From what I saw on the face of it all, it was the failures of the Premiers to act.....nay, it was the refusal of the provincial Premiers to act and inciting this act that the Emergency Act had to be invoked.

They should also be questioning why the Premiers did nothing for weeks.


Mirria_ t1_is2yhof wrote

The Ontario Premier is a conservative. The Canadian Premier is a liberal.

The protests were mainly happening around the federal Parliament.

The rules they were trying to get repealed were largely provincial jurisdiction.


haixin t1_is3jzjc wrote

Canada has a prime minister not a premier, but you were right on Ontario. Though the protest was in Ottawa, it is still a city in Ontario which falls under Ontario Jurisdiction. While the convoy blockaded the Capital, Ford and Co sympathized with the convoy instead of actually doing anything. Furthermore, the emergency acts would have had to been approved by the province, or so is my understanding. So my question is where was Ford and why didn't he do anything? He basically wanted Trudeau to do something so he can find more blame to put on him then do his actual ficking job that taxes pay fir.


Mirria_ t1_is3kpyi wrote

>Canada has a prime minister not a premier

I've heard it used both ways. I wasn't sure which was the correct usage in English.

But yeah the protest was largely just a "Fuck Trudeau" more than anything related to mandates. The various moving goalposts showed that they didn't really care if the outcome wasn't Trudeau looking bad. Nevermind that there was an election only months prior, so if the people didn't like how the Libs handled the pandemic they would have voted them out, but that's not what happened...


PKanuck t1_is34umd wrote

The mandates were largely federal, not provincial.

The vaccine mandates to cross the border were still in affect until the end of September.

When the covidiots blocked the Ambassador bridge in Windsor that was the beginning of the end.


veerKg_CSS_Geologist t1_is3ky11 wrote

No, most mandates were provincial.


PKanuck t1_is3m0u9 wrote

The covidiots were protesting the federal mandates.

Transportation is federally regulated thus the ^trucker convoy" Most of the provincial mandates were coming to an end.
