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FactCheckingThings t1_is2jqg9 wrote

It needed to be done to get those squatting morons out of the city.

We have numerous protests here all the time. Blocking roads for days, honking horns into the night, and harassing locals isnt protesting.

Police werent doing their job. They were calling these people "peaceful" yet saying they couldnt enforce anything because worries theyd react/attack, like which is it?

Adding in the millions of dollars of foreign money being likely illegally funneled to these people to all that and there was no other choice than the Feds taking action.


EvangelineOfSky t1_is39f6h wrote

>We have numerous protests here all the time. Blocking roads for days, honking horns into the night, and harassing locals isnt protesting.

its worth noting.. one of the last things the Harper government did (and lil PP now head of the CPC voted in favour of) was defining terrorism in the anti-terrorism act of 2015..

whats the criteria for terrorism..?

blocking infrastructure to try and influence politicians..

so, under the words of the politician they worship.. their actions were terrorism..


asdaaaaaaaa t1_is4rqde wrote

> They were calling these people "peaceful" yet saying they couldnt enforce anything because worries theyd react/attack, like which is it?

Whatever excuse allows police to cooperate with them. Unfortunately police tend to hold a lot of extremist right wing views in many countries.