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EatTheShroomz t1_itpdg50 wrote

You’ll hear a lot of words like “accused” and “allegedly” regarding this case. And I’m assuming they’re likely to only get a slap on the wrist for this. But regardless of what the courts decide, know that these fucks are very very guilty and you should look into and be very very aware of their practices. This has been a public service announcement. You have been notified.


mf-TOM-HANK t1_itpqk6t wrote

>This has been a public service announcement. You have been notified.

Rent is still due on the 1st whether I'm aware of these allegations or not. When does this "bad news" for RealPage translate into lower rent? Next year? 5 years? Never? Pandora has already opened the box.


gimmiesnacks t1_itpz3oa wrote

Right? I live in a huge greystar complex, sorrounded by other greystar complexes, and my rent is going up 10% in November. They absolutely refused to negotiate. There’s nowhere else to live here.


Aazadan t1_itqtx9v wrote

Get the word out, and get pissed off. Elect politicians to change the laws regarding what these companies are legally allowed to do.

That's a fix in 10 years, if enough agree with you.