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haysu-christo t1_iu3iiu7 wrote

I don’t think you have to be rich to have dual citizenships.


Basas t1_iu3kd8t wrote

Money certainly help


dontneedaknow t1_iu3kpc2 wrote

I dunno why the rich vs poor argument is even brought up in a discussion about the Russian empires oligarchy..

Like no shit there are incredibly rich people in Russia with the power to buy their way out and through most barriers in life that us plebs have to navigate carefully. That's the whole meaning of an Oligarchy. and the very same system is whats killing off the Russian peoples 18-30 year olds to the point where the Russians are committing demographic suicide right now.

Yah... Of course there is a rich/poor gap in Russia. They basically throw it in the worlds faces everywhere they go..


madbirdribdam t1_iu47tlz wrote

To get Israel passport, you need to fly there.

Cheapest ticket from Ekaterinburg (middle russia) to Tel-Aviv costs from 17000₽ to 40000₽ depending on the date. Let’s take an average — 30000₽ ($500) You need two — it’s 60000₽ ($1000).

You earn 15000₽ a month ($250). After all neccessary spendings you have 3000₽ remaining ($50).

Go and get your passport, you don’t need to be rich to get it! Do you!?

Ah, yes, you need a hotel too… and nobody will let you in when everything already happened (you are not Putin’s relative to know you will need the passport before it’s too late).


haysu-christo t1_iu4l1n3 wrote

That’s cool. Now do the calculations for all other countries that a qualified Russian can have a passport for before this war started.
