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raymondcy t1_is7dqci wrote

What's interesting is that with the advent of Digital IDs on the horizon, you are basically required (not necessarily by law - but by logistics) to unlock your phone.

I think there needs to be a separation of technology on the phone to show your digital ID vs opening your phone. That is to say you can log in but only have access to your ID, everything else is still encrypted.


incognito_wizard t1_is7vl3a wrote

Good idea, alternatively a secondary phone you just leave in the car that is only used for that and not synced to any other account but a software solution would be more convenient and safe enough for the average user.


raymondcy t1_is7w55w wrote

Great alternative suggestion until they can figure out a software solution - a second phone that is.


Illseemyselfout- t1_is9jgnj wrote

For the time being, I’ll just keep my actual driver’s license in my wallet and not put any incriminating shit on my phone.


TravelingMan304 t1_is7wmg6 wrote

You can enable multiple users on Android and it is supposed to keep all data separate I think, but it will be a long time before they stop offering a physical card.