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justforthearticles20 t1_iu5t3br wrote

Put a sheet of clear plastic over it and turn it to the correct orientation. Leave plastic.

Actually All Museums should be protecting all their paintings now that Climate Protesters are destroying them for publicity.


BrianMincey t1_iu6xn3q wrote

Anyone who destroys our beautiful artistic treasures, for whatever reason, is despicable. There are loads of ways to demonstrate. Destroying our artistic heritage shouldn’t be one of them.


art4idiots t1_iu7hhfb wrote

As an art lover, I agree, but as a planet lover, what's the point of artistic heritage if we fuck our planet to extinction? At a certain point drastic measures are all that's left. Are we at that point now? I hope not, but clearly these people think so.


BrianMincey t1_iu7mekt wrote

The mold in the Petri dish…it keeps spreading, consuming all of the available supply of food until there is nothing left to consume. The individual spores, even if they knew they are doomed, are helpless to stop it.

The unpleasant truth is that humanity is destined for a bleak future…eventually the oceans will have so much plastic and toxins there will be no fish or fowl, the earth will be robbed of all its resources and littered with toxic waste, there will be few species of wild animals left.

The only real solution is population control. We could exist comfortably on this planet for many thousands of years with 4-5 billion people…but seven billion will become eight billion, and like the mold on the Petri dish, will continues to spread unchecked.


art4idiots t1_iu7p7c2 wrote

I can't tell if you are vehemently for or against these protests lol or maybe you aren't vehemently for or against anything due to, ya know, our bleak unavoidable apocalypse. You've just left me with more questions than answers. The only thing I know for sure is that I should not have read that before bed...

Edit: oh shit you're the same person?? Lmao with that bleak ass outlook why do you give a shit about our artistic heritage, save the art but implement population control? Damn, you go hard Brian Mincey


BrianMincey t1_iu7ppf8 wrote

As Kosh said, “The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.”

Just carve out as much happiness as you can. Life, at least for now, is pretty sweet. This is a golden age of decadence that our descendants will look back on in wonder.


art4idiots t1_iu7pufm wrote

I both envy and pity you lol you are quite the enigma


dinodogst123 t1_iu89cl7 wrote

Alternatively, just remake it right side up. It's a handful of straight, colored lines. Not exactly complicated.