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ChickenInASuit t1_iulkc1x wrote

It happened at a private residence big enough to hold 70-100 people. Doesn’t sound like “the hood” to me.


mandatory6 t1_iumcvge wrote

When is ALL of America going to acknowledge there’s a gun problem.


NPD_wont_stop_ME t1_iume8td wrote

Republicans. You can just say Republicans.


Trtmfm t1_iumhdrg wrote

No, no you can't. That thinking is part of the problem.


Nova225 t1_iunft6q wrote

Yes, you can. The left has been constantly pushing for gun control.


silver_sofa t1_iumo4ys wrote

Well actually you kind of can. See there is this vocal minority in the US that refuses to acknowledge that there even is a gun problem. And they tend to vote mostly Republican because Fox News and the NRA have convinced them that the government is evil. So now the carnage is routine and constant because…..both sides?
