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IamHere-4U t1_iungo2a wrote

What about the study I linked from Seattle, a city on the West Coast? You know, the study I linked using statistical data? It doesn't seem like you have read anything about the impacts of housing first interventions outside of op-eds with frivolous anecdotes. Until you bring in hard, quantitative data, you aren't making a compelling point.


IamHere-4U t1_iuniuqi wrote

Okay, so you linked a reddit comment section? Are these experts on housing who had conducted evidence-based, statistical research on the subject, or just residents who think they know everything about homelessness because they live in Seattle? If it is the latter, I am not interested.


ForwardYak8823 t1_iuos5y5 wrote

Janitors at union station in LA say they need protection from being attacked while they try to work. You dont give a damn about helping people who clean up shit, get paid shit and have to go to go work everyday and get harrassed and some assaulted and treated like shit.

As fellow janitor I stand with them.


IamHere-4U t1_iupburq wrote

And by housing homeless people and giving them shelter and security, you keep them off the streets! In turn, they'd be less likely to commit acts of violence. This is the idea behind housing first... essentially, by housing the homeless, most are going to have happier, healthier lives and, in turn, be more tolerable to be around.


ForwardYak8823 t1_iupldl2 wrote

I am going be honest I have no idea how my comment ended up in a discussion between the 2 of you.

But how long is housing first going take? And who are the contractors receiving taxpayer's money?


IamHere-4U t1_iunio32 wrote

Everything you have listed is an op-ed, a news article opinion piece, not an actual study. It's all anecdotal data, nothing that is indicative of larger trends. As I have already discussed, this can all be dismissed on these pretenses, as it wasn't up to par with my terms of evidence that I had already laid out. Additionally, none of the links refer to housing first interventions in any capacity, so I have no idea what you are even trying to prove here.


Bison256 t1_iunj3sy wrote

Aa I said before you live in fantasy world. You hide behind your cherry picked studies and reject real world conditions


IamHere-4U t1_iunjdfz wrote

I live in a world of hard data. You live in a world of deflections. In other words, you are so many abstractions away from base reality that you cannot engage real world trends in any meaningful way. You make a lot of noise but no substance. Get lost.


Bison256 t1_iunk35j wrote

No you don't you live on fantasy your fantasy world were you ignore the actual realty for cherry picked data.

Oh here's another real world news article


IamHere-4U t1_iunk5xm wrote

Another op-ed? Yeah, try harder. Give me an actual study. Not a shitty op-ed that has nothing to do with housing first interventions.


Bison256 t1_iunkoz5 wrote

Sorry that the real world disagrees with your Utopia non sense.


IamHere-4U t1_iunl9lk wrote

If that were true, then you would easily be able to find actual, statistical data supporting your argument, but alas, you cannot.


Bison256 t1_iunofw1 wrote

I'm not writing a 10 page research paper for a diluted fool on Reddit. If real world evidence isn't enough for you you're hopeless.


IamHere-4U t1_iunov74 wrote

>I'm not writing a 10 page research paper for a diluted fool on Reddit.

What a pathetic deflection. I can see right through it.

>If real world evidence isn't enough for your hopeless.

You haven't provided any. Only shitty op-eds. You are only making a fool of yourself here.


Bison256 t1_iunpmn0 wrote

Photos and information on the situation on the ground isn't good enough for you. You're hopeless.


IamHere-4U t1_iunqhml wrote

If somehow you think incorporating photos in an opinion piece with no statistical data somehow informs how efficacious housing first interventions are, then you are completely deluded. If you were at least university educated, you should know the value of statistical data, but alas, I don't see any on your end, nor any that are related to the success (or lackthereof) of housing first interventions.