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TUGrad t1_iy5u8kn wrote

"His three-year prison sentence was suspended, and he was placed on a one-year bench probation

The WBRZ Investigative Unit has been reporting on those allegations for months, and one of his accusers said Payne tried to ask her for a sexual favor in exchange for getting her boyfriend out of jail.

"He said, 'I know you are willing to do anything to get him out,'" she explained. "He took a sticky note off the lady's desk. It was a big pack, and he wrote 'will you give me a B.J. to get him out of trouble?' He took it and did this and showed it to me."


RnDanger t1_iy5p6sf wrote

"I do chief things daily"



morbidbutwhoisnt t1_iy7wdki wrote

There are so many folks that I know belong behind bars, even though I have a very limited scope of what kinds of crimes I think should get actual prison sentences. (I'm being up front that I'm a hardcore justice system reformer)

The parkland shooter for example was just convicted, we know for a fact that he is the perpetrator and I do believe that he needs to be separated from society for safety reasons. So this is an example of someone that I would agree even under a reformed system should be in custody. (not the time to argue what that looks like)

But in general when I see things like this I wonder how we can trust that the people who have been arrested, charged, and/or convicted have had that happen under fair terms.

Because it's not just this. A lot more often than I'm comfortable with it's something with an officer, DA, etc doing favors, planting evidence, changing information, blah blah.

This police chief had this happen, do you review the whole department? Do you have all the cases his officers worked on reviewed? Is it rotten top down? Is it just him?


BarCompetitive7220 t1_iy834wj wrote

Moving out of state, that always bodes well for the next community. NOT!