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JackMitcham t1_ixhbj7a wrote

Hannah Gadsby is a really strong comedian. Her "art lecture" is brilliant, from Douglas.


5meoz t1_ixjn4k6 wrote

Hannah Gadsby used to be Adam Hill's zany side kick on his old TV show Adam Hills Tonight. If you watch some of them and you will see while Adam is immensely talented, Hannah comes across as awkward school talent event level funny

Each to their own, but it was the best stand up on earth Dave Chappelle who said the following


JackMitcham t1_ixjvp0e wrote

Have you actually ever watched her latest special that I referenced, or do you just believe whatever Chappelle tells you to believe?


5meoz t1_ixk304f wrote

Is it that hard to believe that just because you love something others don't? I watched it and thought it was very average as did the viewer vote on Rotten Tomatoes and other review platforms. It was after this special that she had a big public fight with the head of Netflix because they woke up that she was a One Trick Pony and wasn't the genius everyone had made her out to be. I'm not saying she is bad, just not overly great. She has 'her people' that love what she does, so good for her. But don't get upset because lots of people see what she does (Just like friendly Jordies) as more rhetoric (language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.) than humour. I don't think she will get another Netflix deal too soon, so now instead she is already writing a book about her 'glory days' with Nanette. Tasmania university even gave her an honorary doctorate, so good on her.


JackMitcham t1_ixk4n9r wrote

> Is it that hard to believe that just because you love something others don't?

You're the one who is claiming she's not funny and is surprised anybody else does.

> I watched it and thought it was very average

Then you admit she's a comedian. This directly contradicts what you said earlier.

>I'm not saying she is bad

You literally implied that she was not a comedian at all.

Keep moving those goalposts.


5meoz t1_ixk9apg wrote

If you love her good for you, it is a free country and you can laugh at who ever you want to, no need to get enraged when others don't.

I personally wouldn't call her that much of a comedian anymore, like most Late Night TV, SNL, Most Netlfix specials, etc, 'comedians' have become more spewers of rhetoric, so the goalposts have moved. So they are comedians in name but not in reality. Hannah is a mildly talented 'comedian', who had a big fan base consisting of what she termed 'Her People'. She rode the #Metoo wave at its height, but now that big wave has gone she has come crashing to the ground. You can call yourself a Singer because you do it in the shower, but it doesn't mean you are any good at it. I can call myself a comedian because I tell Dad Jokes, but it is more delusion than anything else. As I said if you get a laugh out of what she does, good for you, but then you got to ask yourself why are you laughing? And why is she already writing a book about her glory days they were only a few years ago?
