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_welcome t1_iyevl56 wrote

honestly, I'm tired of people making every potential or actual shooter a mental health patient. I'm not saying he shouldn't get therapy, but people want to pretend therapy is an easy answer to fixing people who want to shoot up a place. The reality is the majority of people with mental illness are nonviolent, some people are just evil, and all the therapy in the world probably won't change someone. therapy and mental health isn't the answer to resolve the majority of america's mass shooting problems.


im4lonerdottie4rebel t1_iyewuri wrote

Yes but therapy helps with self reflection. It helps to uncover why we believe certain beliefs, why we take certain actions and why we behave certain ways.


JohnHwagi t1_iyf89id wrote

I’m not sure I agree with the assertion that psychological treatment is not able to significantly reduce the chance of someone engaging in a mass shooting.

While people that shoot others are unlikely to seek treatment themselves, it should be forced upon people who commit violent crimes. Many shooters have massive red flags that should have led to arrest and psychological treatment prior to the shooting.


majora9109 t1_iyfdery wrote

How is psych treatment reducing the chance of anything if it's not applied or the person isn't actively seeking treatment.

Red flags exist, but you can't force someone to just not do something unless you put them in a box. So there's going to continue to be shooters until we come up with a better solution.