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DeNoodle t1_iuohtql wrote

The last time this happened didn't it end up being someone who was always yelling about how it was going to happen then when it wasn't happening they did it themselves to prove to people that it happens? Sheesh.


cocomooose t1_iuoq83c wrote

It also happened one time in the 80s, which is where this ridiculous fear comes from. Some guy wanted to kill his kid, so he poisoned his own Halloween candy and tried to say it was someone else.


BridgetheDivide t1_iuolnq2 wrote

Someone is giving out razor blades?

In this economy?


ObjectiveDark40 t1_iuonoi9 wrote

Not just razor blades....pencil sharpener blades. Which aren't super cheap.. Amazon says like $5 to $7 for a 3 pack or there about.


Aggravating_Head_60 t1_iuoohd8 wrote

The only blade pictured was way too clean to have actually been in the candy...


mikeybagodonuts t1_iuoqu4v wrote

If that’s the actual blade I’d call BS on it. Looks like a Christian Nightmare to me. I’ll bet the local zealots are behind this.


Orlando1701 t1_iuoyhiw wrote

Yup. I’m predicting that this will come out as some kind of scar tactic by conservatives before the mid-terms.


bucko_fazoo t1_iuom4mg wrote

also "blacks rule" spray painted on a burnt trailer in their driveway


rikki-tikki-deadly t1_iuoo9zx wrote

and "a bunch of thugs" carved a backwards "B" into their face!


quietguy_6565 t1_iuor958 wrote

obviously those thugs used a mirror to make sure they spelled it right, damn that was awhile ago


Formergr t1_iuw48xr wrote

Ah memories. That was a great halloween costume for me that year. Was hilarious watching the faces to see who figured it out and who didn't as people passed me in the street and at a party.


Velkyn01 t1_iuokxjr wrote

I find it impossible to believe that the types of parents who would inspect every piece of candy that their kid brings hone also just so happened to find tiny blades in those candies.


B-BoyStance t1_iuougdy wrote

Right? I barely even look at candy before I eat it. Too much shame.

I guess I've just been eating razorblades this whole time


Velkyn01 t1_iuourpk wrote

Like spiders, the average person swallows 12 razorblades a year.


perverse_panda t1_iupt1wu wrote

If this was a thing that really happened, the headline would be about kids with sliced up mouths. But you never see those. Funny how the blades are always "caught" before someone bites into one.


Trytolearneverything t1_iuopfb8 wrote

At least it’s not another story about how drug dealers are giving away thousands of dollars in free drugs to kids.


Ghost273552 t1_iuoitdg wrote

Qanon nut probably planted them.


[deleted] t1_iuonkf0 wrote



Launchpad_McFrak t1_iuouul0 wrote

This is almost always a hoax perpetrated by the person who filed the police report.


Yellowbellys-finest t1_iuoi778 wrote

Probably because the main stream media has peddled this idea for years, now thanks to the media pushing these fake stories people are starting to implement the media fake bull shit stories, Fucking muppet media


Good-Expression-4433 t1_iuojian wrote

Some lady in my tiny home town was putting Tylenol in candy bags one year just so she could say the claims about drugs in candy was true.


RunninOnMT t1_iuooim2 wrote

Jesus, i can't believe people these days. Awful.

Like seriously, kids are going to get hurt or worse. Halloween is no joke, I'm always very careful to CLEARLY LABEL the bowl of razor blades i hand out to trick or treater's and I always double and triple check to make sure there's never any candy mixed in there. If we can't be responsible, we can't have nice things.


Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_iuorkc5 wrote

Yeah imagine these kids accidentally smear snickers on their face when shaving. They'd get picked on all day.


Tyler89558 t1_iuose6c wrote

I wish I accidentally smeared snickers on my face while shaving. No, all I get are twizzlers.


DerfK t1_iup440u wrote

Man, and here I smeared the hot sauce I got all over my face, don't I feel dumb and burning.


AvailableAd3813 t1_iuosblp wrote

Wow. Some karen moms are pulling out all the stops to scare people this Halloween.

I'm 100% sure this was done by the very people that took the pics sent in.


sluttttt t1_iuoln9z wrote

It's odd that they're pencil sharpener blades and also were dug into factory sealed candy, rather than placed in something that could have been wrapped up to hide the blades (like a Tootsie Roll or something homemade). Makes me think this wasn't done by an adult?


Small_Basket5158 t1_iuoofwt wrote

Or was done by an idiot. Perhaps smarter people just decide not to try to kill random kids.


sluttttt t1_iuoqivo wrote

Eh, there are plenty of smart evil people. I think the pencil sharpener thing is what makes me question this the most. An adult can go into any drugstore and purchase some actual blades without question. A 10 year old? Not so much. But I'm sure they have a few sharpeners lying around their classroom.

It's this + the fact that almost every incidence of candy tampering has either been BS or has been done by a parent to their own child (which is disturbing in its own right).


SvedishFish t1_iuov57q wrote

Most adults that I know have never used a straight razor or traditional safety razor blade before. In fact I think most couldn't even tell you the difference. I couldn't find safety razor blades at Target when I looked and bought them on Amazon. Everybody shaves with cartridge razors or electric razors these days. If you asked the average adult to draw a picture of a razor blade, I'd put money on the average response being a skinny blade as found in a cartridge (similar to a pencil sharpener) or a triangular knife blade like on an Exacto.

I would really encourage people not to draw conclusions based on the type of blade. It's just as likely to be a dumbass adult that doesn't know the difference, a regular ass adult that doesn't care about the difference, an adult that thinks he's smart and trying to act as if he thinks a kid might act, or an actual kid.


sluttttt t1_iuowd60 wrote

I disagree with you on the easability of finding razor blades. They're also used for far more many things than shaving. But yes, we don't have all the details yet. It just seems fishy since I'm pretty certain there's never actually been a recorded case of this happening. I definitely heard a lot of adults talking about it when I was a kid though, as if it was a common occurrence. It's a shame that these myths have become true in some shape or form.


BoringTruth7749 t1_iuovkif wrote

There has been only ONE documented case of a person putting something in Halloween candy. It was a father who tried to kill his kids off with cyanide in Pixie Sticks so he could collect on the insurance money. Nope, nobody put razor blades in Halloween candy. We hear all the horrible warnings every year, but do we ever see it on the news? No. That's because it only comes from shitty people on facebook.


SmplTon t1_iuos7ss wrote

I hope satanic panic makes a comeback, too! And dungeons and dragons has had a little too much breathing room recently. Remember, it makes you a sociopath!


OhFaceXO t1_iuoz3g1 wrote

I also found some.missing 2020 votes in my candy


Glad-Guard5165 t1_iuoyr9p wrote

Gives the same energy as “People are putting drugs in candy this year! Keep your kids safe!”

Nobody is going to put drugs in your kids candy, Cheryl, especially not for free. If I’m getting drugs, it’s going to be for myself, not your little Kelly.


longster37 t1_iuotfws wrote

I will never believe these stories. I found 0 drugs in my kids candy btw.


Key_Squash_4403 t1_iuozwhr wrote

And? I found zero drugs and razors but I’m always going to check because people suck and one day someone’s gonna actually do it


BiffBanter t1_iuotrkk wrote

"reportedly" being the key word.


i_never_ever_learn t1_iuowvfp wrote

These halloween criminals must be the most brilliant minds in the history of mankind. Never been caught in decades of hallowe'ens


ThePhonesAreWatching t1_iuoy5t3 wrote

It's almost always the parents of the kids that responsible. Generally trying to get their 15 mins of fame or insurance money.


AliceP00per t1_iuos8yv wrote

Do they want us to think that people actually do this?


AlarmingBandicoot t1_iuotd5f wrote

Fear mongers are going to keep doing and publishing this nonsense until someone mentally ill enough picks up what they’re putting down.


winespring t1_iuoqrn3 wrote

Not to be macabre but there are easier ways to hurt a kid, if that's what you are trying to do.


TenDollarSteakAndEgg t1_iuopawe wrote

Maybe if the media wasn’t constantly talking about it every year it wouldn’t happen


DoodMonkey t1_iuonuvq wrote

If you smelt it you dealt it


SmplTon t1_iuorz8l wrote

Every year for 40 years


Meefstick t1_iuowgaq wrote

Man I ate so much candy lookin for those phantom CBD candy that were supposedly everywhere.



blisstaker t1_iuom7fw wrote

for anyone wondering:

this happened in Eugene, Oregon


WackyBones510 t1_iuopjx3 wrote

JFC… there is going to be discussion about this for decades.


wclure t1_iuotjm8 wrote

I said this shit would happen on fb. Just to say “see!, it’s real”. Abhorrent people.


No_Firefighter1866 t1_iuouljb wrote

It's because someone posted here about nobody ever being hurt by this. Reddit's answer : I will show you.


JennJayBee t1_iuox5yg wrote

No razor blades here, but out of six giant bags I purchased from Sam's (because we get a lot of kids in our neighborhood), I managed to fill up a whole bucket with candy I picked out and had to toss because it was unwrapped or otherwise mangled.


wtf-you-saying t1_iupunxs wrote

My bullshit detector is really clanging away right now...


flanderguitar t1_iur9sbw wrote

No child has ever been hurt by razor blades in fucking Halloween candy. Ever.


thatfreshjive t1_iup0vee wrote

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Seems like a real upstanding group of boys


thatfreshjive t1_iup15cs wrote

Terms of service for the "register guard". This is trash, at best. Owned by what the fuck private equity firm owns USA Today, this week.


GasFlow t1_iuor4p0 wrote

What does “reportedly” mean. There are or are not razor ladies in the candy.


[deleted] t1_iuoiae5 wrote



[deleted] t1_iuon17b wrote



amilliamilliamilliam t1_iuoql7y wrote

Fun fact: the biker chick who says, "I say you let me have 'em first," is none other than Cassandra Peterson, aka Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. (I know the clip cuts off right when she whistles, but still...)


lifejustice t1_iuoslb8 wrote

The women falsely reporting things for instagram likes? I agree.


Key_Squash_4403 t1_iuozna6 wrote

For as much as people say this stuff doesn’t happen there’s always going to be someone who actually does it because they are a piece of shit. Just give your kids candy a once over.


Key_Squash_4403 t1_iup1rce wrote

Someone in 1982 poisoned aspirin, that’s why we have tamper seals. But please Reddit continue to tell me how stuff like this never happens 🙄
