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elcd t1_ixoemhl wrote

Thanks for backing me up mate.

It seems the "I'm autistic so I can be inappropriate without consequence" narrative is much easier to follow that taking responsibility and not being a shitty person.

It's not easy, it wasn't for me, but it's doable. Empathy is learnable, social skills are skills that can be honed (even if sometimes it's camoflaging) and being a good person is possible even when you're abilities are impeded.

I see people romanticising mental illness and pandering to everyone who's a little bit different now; looks like taking responsbility for your shit is just in the too hard basket for people these days.


mikeybagodonuts t1_ixofudl wrote

Ohhhhh. So there it is. I did it so everyone else with the same or more extreme impediments should be able to. And if they can’t learn or are not properly taught they’re bad people. Once again you are framing my initial reply to the comment as an excuse for bad behaviour. Totally devoid of empathy for the way the op was spoken to. You might wanna do a little more work on your empathy.
