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Floridaman9000 t1_ixofdwk wrote

Might not find out until after with some of the John Doe patients


Chewbock t1_ixoxfwc wrote

A guy I went to high school with was driving home on the interstate to get a batch of his clothes to take to college. Stop in construction and a sleepy semi driver didn’t see the construction and plowed into the back of his red Camaro. His Dad was one of the first firefighters on the scene. The wreck was so bad he had no idea he was calling about a MVA fatality that was his own son. I didn’t keep up with him after that but heard through the grapevine he suffers from constant anxiety and depression. Absolute tragedy.


jackiebee66 t1_ixp0azk wrote

Our friend had her son also die from a tired trucker; she’s the founder of Mothers Against Tired Truckers. That was how she survived it. So incomprehensible


augustrem t1_ixph9i6 wrote

Lordy how common is this? I also once met a woman whose son died the same way.