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dynorphin t1_iupcsqx wrote

You really don't want to look into how private equity groups are buying up all the private anesthesia practices they can to cut corners, generate profits for investors, and kill patients, while actually increasing surgical costs.

These people belong in jail but we live in a corrupt system where that will never happen.


r0botdevil t1_iuq4rv3 wrote

I recently found out that one of the clinics I work in was just sold. I wasn't given any of the details, but I can only assume the buyer is one of those private equity firms.

I'm quitting next month.


Art-Zuron t1_iurkmnh wrote

The various Christian churches are doing it too, and then enforcing their religious dogma onto what treatments they'll use.


dinner_is_not_ready t1_iur13e8 wrote

Do you have more information on what places to avoid? What places are bought by private equity groups?


anthrocommunism t1_iur1z8a wrote

It would be good to have a website or something that lists ownership information about clinics, hospitals, etc.


mokutou t1_iurrk41 wrote

PE groups are creeping into all parts of medicine, and the results are appalling.


PlasticPaulBunyan t1_iuvyb3n wrote

Radiology groups too. It's going to get to the point where radiologist are just at home reading imaging, and PA's will be on site doing all the work. It's already close to this in many places. You're 3x more likely to see a radiology PA than one of them vampire docs.