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Greentoysoldier t1_iupjvoq wrote

More details can be found over at r/anesthesia but basically the crna left the room for 12 min and the electronic record has been “lost” and a hand written record created. Clearly an error was made an injury occurred. Implied is a coverup was attempted and there is a question if a policy is to blame more than human error.


[deleted] t1_iuq0f6o wrote



fitnessCTanesthesia t1_iur5c4j wrote

Anesthesia providers are not supposed to leave a patient without supervision even for 30 seconds, let alone 12 minutes. In my residency it was a 1x offense you are let go, learned from day 1.


SkyeSpider t1_ivln6g1 wrote

I woke up during surgery once. I couldn’t move, but my eyes were open and I was fully aware. I saw my anesthesia person happily chatting with the others in the room. It took him a few minutes to notice I was awake and turn a knob that put me back under. If I hadn’t had a nerve block done in my shoulder, I would have felt everything. I’ve had 11 surgeries and it’s a major fear of mine that another person will do this to me while not nerve blocked (like on an abdominal surgery I have coming up).

It really blows my mind how casually someone can take a job that important.