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OldTammyTwoToes t1_iupjx9c wrote

all about $$$ for the medical execs. Hire cheaper CRNAs with less training over MDs. Happening everywhere in medicine.


thecaits t1_iuptcst wrote

Healthcare should never be for profit. It's crazy to me that people think our system is the best, when really it's just a race to the bottom.


Drift_Life t1_iur1u6p wrote

Everything is the “best” when you have no experience or knowledge of how other systems work. I don’t understand how Americans are so scared of a national healthcare plan that will take care of all of its citizens for a fraction of the cost and with standard care. I mean, the system we have now really isn’t working well for the majority of us, and if you lose your job… well best get on dyin then!


Fenrils t1_ius0u88 wrote

"Americans" aren't scared though; much like marijuana legalization, the vast majority of Americans support nationalized healthcare. Our system is just broken and corrupt so our leaders don't need to give a shit about what the majority wants.


ComradeMoneybags t1_iurdzt7 wrote

It’s best if you have so much money that handing over a pile money for procedures is like buying groceries. Yeah, there’s technically ‘access’ to the best medical care on the planet, but that’s like saying nothing’s stopping me from eating wagyu beef and caviar every meal, except, well money.


[deleted] t1_iuq0bkf wrote



rchart1010 t1_iuuwust wrote

Yeah, I think if you kinda make a fuss about it ahead of time they make sure to have an anesthesiologist there. I know I've made a fuss.


dinner_is_not_ready t1_iuvoqt0 wrote

Yeah I’d want the facility to sign a contract with me that they’d have an MD present. Like what the hell


PlasticPaulBunyan t1_iuvyv2g wrote

It's probably cheaper to cancel your surgery than bring another MD on for the case. Sad, but true. One MD can supervise a handful of CRNAs, vs an MD who can do one case.