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Btetier t1_iyf9ubk wrote

I don't think anyone is going to argue that he could have made better decisions. The fact is though, that he shouldn't have gotten beat like that for just running away. In no world is that the right way to do things


TopDeckHero420 t1_iyfblxa wrote

So just run from the cops. And if they catch up to you, run again. And if they catch you again just resist arrest, refuse to comply.

At what point is enough enough?

I don't like the use of violent measures to subdue someone but when someone presents an apparent danger (and at that time he clearly did) what should the police do? Honest question. How should this person have been arrested given his actions during the attempt?


Btetier t1_iyfbwhx wrote

Lol what? Are you guys truly that dense? Once you catch someone, tackle them and cuff them. Done. No need to apply more violence to the situation. If they can't handle that, then they shouldn't be police. It's really that simple. The job of the police is to apprehend people, not dish out judgment.