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TopDeckHero420 t1_iyfa4rt wrote

Resisting arrest often leads to what can be considered violence. Someone that refuses to comply, runs into a dwelling multiple times. What are the police to do? Let him go get his gun and load it? That's not an extreme example. It actually happens.

If the guy wants to file a civil suit for the injuries, more power to him. But this was about indicting the cops on criminal charges and I just don't see it.

The whole system needs reformation, but you aren't going to reform the system mid-evasion of arrest.


FreddoMac5 t1_iyfd175 wrote

The system needs reform but my god can it please be common sense reform? Like lets not send someone to jail for months because they stole a candy bar but if you blow a stop sign, speed, run inside a house and resist arrest and the cops use force to arrest you, can we admit that's proper. Fucking christ on a cracker how fucking hard is it to understand?


TopDeckHero420 t1_iyfdu2l wrote

I agree 100%.

But a lot of these problems are pervasive throughout the whole of society, and not just confined to the justice system.. as bad as it is.

In a perfect world we would get down to the why of stealing a candy bar and solve that rather than solely rely on punishment as a deterrence.

Most of us clearly understand the racial disparity that is ingrained in America, but a lot of people just refuse to see it. Unfortunately ~50% of our leadership is part of that lot, so nothing meaningful gets done.
